Marlène Barsoum
Professor, PhD, Columbia University, 19th Century French Literature and Francophone Literature.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: Francophone Literature, Travel Writing, Autobiography
1984: Ph.D in French Literature. Columbia University
1974: M.A. in French Literature. Queens College (CUNY)
1973: Licence-ès-Lettres. Université de Nancy, France
1972: B.A. Queens College (CUNY)
Les Voies de la paix dans les récits d’Andrée Chedid (Editions Karthala, 2017)
Théophile Gautier’s Mademoiselle de Maupin: Toward a Definition of the ‘Androgynous Discourse’ (Peter Lang, 2001)
Selected Articles
“Long-term Travel and the Notion of Home: The Case of Alexandra David-Néel.” The French Review. Vol. 92. No.1, October 2018: 156-170.
“Travel and Self-Transformation: The Adventures of Alexandra David-Néel” Women in French Studies Special issue: Les Femmes et le voyage. Vol. 7, 2018: 259-275.
“Revisiting Isabelle Eberhardt’s Lettres et Journaliers. Women in French Studies, Vol. 21, 2013: 41-55.
“Nostalgia and Beyond: The Cases of Andrée Chedid and Emile Ollivier.” Dalhousie French Studies. Vol 99 (summer 2012): 89-104.
“Writing War and Peace in the Novels of Andrée Chedid.” The Journal of North African Studies,Vol. 15, No. 4, December 2010: 439-450.
“The Traveler and his Scribe: In the Footsteps of Ibn Battuta and their rendering by Ibn Juzayy” The Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 11, No 2, June 2006: 193-203.
“Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987) Multicultural Writers from 1945 to the Present (editors: Alba Amoia & Bettina Knapp). Greenwood Press, 2004:538-542.
“De la perte à la plénitude: l’apprentissage et l’anéantissement du langage chez les personnages d’Andrée Chedid” Symposium , vol 56, no 2 (summer 2002): 67-78.
“Les Français en Egypte: fragments d’un discours alexandrin”. La Culture française vue d’ici et d’ailleurs (Editor: Thomas Spear, Lehman College). Karthala, 2002: 113-125.
“Ibn Battuta (1304-1369?).” Multicultural Writers from Antiquity to 1945. Editors: Alba Amoia & Bettina Knapp. Greenwood Press, 2002: 192-195.
“Ecriture apatride: Le langage de l’exil dans Le Jardin perdu d’Andrée Chedid.” Présence francophone, no. 57, 2001: 115-124.
“Dire la mère dans l’autobiographie des femmes: le cas de Saisons de passage d’Andrée Chedid” Dalhousie French Studies, vol.53 (winter 2000):120-125.