Curriculum Vitae-Professor Sautman
Francesca Sautman, Professor, PhD, University of California, Medieval Studies & Folklore, Women’s Studies
Ph.D. in French Medieval Literature, UCLA, 1978
M.A in French Medieval Literature, UCLA, 1976
B.A. in French Medieval Literature, Barnard College, 1972
Khâgne, French History, Lycée Chaptal, Paris, fall 1970
Russian Major, Paris-Nanterre, 1969-1970
Hypokhâgne, French History, Lycée Condorcet, 1969-1970
Books. Authored
La Religion du Quotidien: Rites et croyances populaires de la fin du Moyen Age, Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, Biblioteca di «Lares», 1995. 232 pp., index, bibliography.
Books. Edited
Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. General Editor, Fedwa Malti-Douglas. Assoc. eds: Francesca Canadé Sautman, Jamsheed Choksy and Judith Roof. 4 vols. NY: Scribner/Gale/Macmillan, 2007.
Same-Sex Love and Desire Among Women in the Middle Ages. Ed., with Pamela Sheingorn. New York: Palgrave, 2001.
Telling Tales: Medieval Narratives and the Folk Tradition. Ed., with Diana Conchado and Giuseppe di Scipio. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Journals. Edited
Medieval Folklore, (the Edwin Mellen Press). Francesca Canadé Sautman and Madeleine Jeay, editors. An international, interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study of folklore in the Middle Ages and the XVIth century, published yearly, indexed. Vol.1, no.1, Spring 1991; Vol.2, Fall 1992; Vol. 3, Fall 1994.
Merveilles et Contes-Marvels and Tales (University of Colorado at Boulder; presently published by Wayne State University Press). Jacques Barchilon and Francesca Canadé Sautman, founding editors, May 1987-May 1994.
Editor, special issues: with Jacques Barchilon: Beauty and The Beast: Marvels and Tales, vol. III, No. 1, May 1998. With guest editor Veronika Görög-Karady: Approaches to the African Folk Tale: Marriage Tests and Marriage Quest in African Oral Tradition, vol. VI, no. 2, Dec. 1992.
Chapters and Essays
1. With Hamid Bahri, “Historical Crossings, Dis-Orienting the Orient, and Amin Maalouf’s uses of the Postcolonial ‘Medieval’”. Nadia Altschul and Kathleen Davis, eds. Medievalisms in the (Post) Colony. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, forthcoming 2008-09.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2. <!--[endif]-->“Narrating Power, Handling Gender: The Rule of Joan and Margaret, Countesses of Flanders in the 13th-Century.” Alison More and Elizabeth L’Estrange. Construction, Transformation, and Subversion: Re/Presenting Medieval Gender. Ashgate Press, forthcoming, 2009.
3. “Reclaiming the Human against Pure Evil: Walter Mosley’s The Man in my Basement and Human Rights Doctrine.” Eds. Derek Maus and Owen Brady. Finding a Way Home: Critical Essays on Walter Mosley. University of Mississipi Press, Fall 2008.
4. “Fair is not Fair: Queer Possibility and Fairground Performers, 1870-1931.” Eds. Margaret Higonnet, Jarrod Hayes and William Spurlin. Comparatively Queer: Crossing Time, Crossing Cultures. Project under review.
5. “Ombre grige, toni neri: Gli italo-americani, razza e razzismo nel cinema americano.” Scene italoamericane. Ed. Anna Camaiti Hostert and Anthony Julian Tamburri. Roma: Luca Sossella Editore, 2002. 13-40. [Italian translation of #6]
6. "Grey Shades and Black Tones: Italian Americans, Race, and Racism in American Film." Screening Ethnicity: Cinematographic Representations of Italian Americans in the United States. Ed. Camaiti and Tamburri. Bordighera, 2001.
7. With Pamela Sheingorn, "Introduction: Charting the Field." Same-Sex Love and Desire Among Women in the Middle Ages. 1-47.
8. "What Can They Possibly Do Together: Queer Epic Performance in Yde et Olive and Tristan de Nanteuil." Same-Sex Love and Desire Among Women in the Middle Ages. 199-232.
9. "Response: 'Just Like a Woman': Queer History, Womanizing the Body, and the Boys in Arnaud's Band." Queering the Middle Ages. Ed. Glenn Burger and Steven Kruger. Minneapolis, London: U. of Minnesota Press, 2001. 168-189.
10. “Introduction." Telling Tales. Ed. Canadé Sautman, Conchado and Di Scipio. 1-17.
11. "A Troubled History: Folklore and Competing Texts in Baudouin de Sebourc, a Fourteenth-Century Chanson de Geste." Telling Tales. 231-248.
12. "Eustache Deschamps in the Forest of Folklore." Eustache Deschamps, French Courtier-Poet: His Work and his World. Ed. Deborah Sinnreich-Levi. NY: AMS Studies in the Middle Ages, 1998. 195-207.
13. "Invisible Women: Retracing the Lives of French Working-Class Lesbians, 1880-1930." A Queer World: The Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. Ed. Martin Duberman. N.Y.: NYU Press, 1997. 236-247.
14. "Invisible Women: Lesbian Working Class Culture in France, 1880-1930." Homosexuality in Modern France. Ed. Jeffrey Merrick and Bryan T. Ragan, Jr. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996. 177-201.
15. "Fée, fileuse, sorcière: images du sacré et de l'interdit." Actes du Colloque 1986: L'Image au Moyen Age. Ed. Danielle Buschinger. Amiens: Centre d'études médievales de l'Université de Picardie/ Göppingen: Kummerle Verlag, 1991.
16. "Variabilité et formules d'ouverture et de clôture dans le conte populaire français." D'un conte à l'autre: La variabilité dans la littérature orale. Ed. V. Görög-Garady. Paris: CNRS, 1990. 133-144.
17. "Saint Anne in Folk Culture: Late Medieval France." Interpreting Cultural Symbols: Saint Anne in Late Medieval Culture. Ed. K. Ashley and P. Sheingorn. Athens, GA.: University of Georgia Press, 1990. 69-94.
18. "Les Métamorphoses du fou à la fin du Moyen Age." Pour une Mythologie du Moyen Age. Ed.Laurence Harf-Lancner. Paris: Ecole Normale Supérieure, 1988. 197-216.
19. "Au Temps où les bêtes parlaient: fonction de quelques formules dans le conte populaire français." Proceedings, International and Interdisciplinary Congress, Dimensions of the Marvellous. University of Oslo, June 1986. I: 230-239.
20. "The Painter's Spot and the Unfinished Weaving: Folk Art Languages." With notes and introduction, in Objects and Words: The Language of Folk Art, (exhibit catalogue, curator Francesca Sautman, Seton Hall University), 1984, 4 pp.
21. “Queer Medieval Studies and the Disciplines,”(contribution), Newsletter of the Society for the Study of Homosexuality in the Middle Ages, New Series Volume 4, April 2005.
22. “The Race for Globalization: Modernity, Resistance and the Unspeakable in Three African Francophone Texts.” French and Francophone/Yale French Studies 103 (May 2003): 106-22.
23. “Les Cultural Studies: Genèse et évolution.” Le Français à l’ Université (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie). Nouvelle série (4e trim. 2002): 2-4.
24. "Hip-Hop/Scotch: Postcolonial Theory and the Ambiguities of Francophonie.” France/USA: The Cultural Wars, ed. Ralph Sarkonak. Special issue of Yale French Studies, 100 (Fall 2001): 119-44
25. "Hassiba Boulmerka's Raised Fist: The Body of Evidence and Muslim Herstory." Found Object, 7 (Fall 1997): 9-34.
26. "Women of the Shadows: Italian American Women, Ethnicity and Racism in American Cinema." Differentia: Review of Italian Thought, Special Issue on Italian American Culture, #6-7 (Spring-Autumn 1994): 219-246.
27. "Women's Headdresses in Italy: Some Ritual Functions of Regional Costume." Canadian Journal of Italian Studies, 15:45 (1992): 166-177.
28. "Folklore and Medieval Medicine: Problems and Sources." Medieval Folklore, vol. II (Fall 1992): 91-102.
29. "Medieval Folklore Today," (Editorial). Medieval Folklore, 1 (Spring 1991): 1-9.
30. "Veiled Women: Images of Traditional Female Headdresses." Italian Journal, 5:1 (1991): 31-35.
31. "Rituels de dérision et langage symbolique dans les dayemans lorrains." Cahiers de littérature orale, (Institut national des langues orientales-CNRS), no. 28 (1990): 97-126.
32. "Collecting Folk Narratives in New York City Today." Marvels and Tales, IV: 2, (December 1990): 123-126.
33. "Teaching French with the Fairy Tale: Folk Tales Written by Students of French." Marvels and Tales, IV: 1 (May 1990): 103-117.
34. "Rites de mariage et parcours magique: le Conte 425B." Actes du IIe Colloque International du CERMEIL: Merveilleux. Mythe et Initiation, Narbonne, August 27-30, 1985; CERMEIL. nos. 5-6: 58-75; updated version in the special issue of Marvels and Tales: Beauty and the Beast, May 1989.
35. "Woman as Birth-and-Death-Giver in Folk Tradition: a Cross-cultural Perspective." Women's Studies, 12 (1986): 213-239.
36. "Des Vessies pour des lanternes: Villon, Molinet and the Riddles of Folklore." Neophilologus, 69 (1985): 161-184.
37. "Une Femme à la mer: articulation d'un thème médiéval méconnu." Bulletin du CERMEIL (University of Colorado at Boulder), I-2 (July 1984): 21-33.
38. "The Quick and the Dead in the Communal Feasts of Carnival and Ashura." Comparative Civilizations Review, (Fall 1983): 45-85.
39. "L'Homme du ressentiment: conscience déchirée et valeurs populaires dans le Neveu de Rameau et les Testaments de Villon." Neophilologus, 64:4 (October 1980): 514-533.
Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries (listed by encyclopedia title):
40. Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender. Ed. Fedwa Malti-Douglas. Associate editors, Jamsheed Choksy, Judith Roof and Francesca Canadé Sautman. New York: Thompson-Gale/Macmillan, 2007.
Vol. 1. Androgyny, 64-68. Beard, 121-23. Les Bijoux Indiscrets, 140-142 Hieronymus Bosch, 180-182. Canon, Revising the (co-authored with Diana Conchado), 228-32. Circus and Fair, 296-99.
Vol. 2. Fairy Tales, 495-499. Film, Cult and Marginal, 551-53. Herrenfrage, 686-687.
Vol. 3. “Lesbian-Like”, 883. Marginalia in Medieval Manuscripts, 944-45. Mermaid, 1003-1006. Plants and Sexual Symbolism, 1154-1158.
Vol. 4. Queen of Sheba, 1222-24. Queens, Power, and Sexuality, 1231-1235. Rough Music, 1274-75. Same-Sex, and Terminology, 1296-97. Sports, 1417-1424. Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1458-1460. Verniohle, Arnaud de, 1504-1505.
41. “Cheryl Clarke.” The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Multiethnic American Literature. Ed. Emmanuel S. Nelson. 5 vols. Greenwood, Ct. and London: Greenwood Press, 2005. 1. 469-71.
42. “Sexuality. Female Same-Sex Relations.” Women and Gender in Medieval Europe: An Encyclopedia. Ed. Margaret C. Schaus. New York: Routledge, 2006. Volume 12 in Routledge’s series of Encyclopedias of the Middle Ages.
43. "The French Tradition," "Lesbians and Lesbianism," "Letters of Pardon," "Saint Anne." Encyclopedia of Medieval Folklore, 2 vols. Ed. Carl Lindahl, John McNamara and John Lindow. Santa Barbara, Denver, Oxford: AB-Clio, 2000. I: 379-89, 594-95, 755-56, II: 29-30.
44. "Michèle Causse," "René Crevel," "Lucie Delarue-Mardrus," "Melinda Goodman," "Geneviève Pastre," and "Christiane Rochefort." Gay and Lesbian Literature, vol. II. Ed. Sara and Tom Pendergast. St. James Press, 1999. 80-82, 96-99, 109-13, 158-60, 280-82, 309-12.
45. “Arab Literature," and "Myth of Lesbian Impunity." Encyclopedia of Homosexualities, Volume I, Lesbian Histories and Cultures. Ed. Bonnie Zimmerman. NY: Garland, 1999. 51-53 and 460-61.
46. "Folklore." Medieval France: An Encyclopedia. Ed. William Kibler et al. N.Y.: Garland Press, 1995. 355-357.
Diane Chisholm. Queer Constellations: Subcultural Space in the Wake of the City. Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press, 2005, in Journal of Sexuality, Winter 2008.
Martha Vicinus: Intimate Friends: Women Who Loved Women, 1778-1928, University of Chicago Press, 2004, in Journal of Sexuality, Fall 2005.
Contes d'un Tzigane hongrois: Janos Berki raconte, recueillis et présentés par Veronika Görög-Karady, Paris, Editions du CNRS, 1991, in Marvels and Tales, VI, no. 1, May 1992, 142-144.
Edouard Glissant and Patrick Chamoiseau. “De loin”. “Open Letter to the French Minister of the Interior, by Edouard Glissant and Patrick Chamoiseau: From Afar,” Black Renaissance/Renaissance Noire vol. 6.3 (Spring-Summer 2006): 57.
"Hagiography and Medieval Folklore: 1985-1990", Medieval Folklore, vol. I, 1991: pp. 150-177.
"Les Contes africains publiés depuis 1970: sélection bibliographique annotée." Bulletin du Cermeil, Winter 1985: pp. 77-80.
Creative Writing
Poetry: "Going Home" and "Women of the Shadows: the Year 1992," Voices in Italian Americana, vol. 6, no. 1, (1995): pp. 126-133
Exhibit Catalogue
Objects and Words: The Language of Folk Art, exhibit catalogue (Oct 15-Nov 15, 1984), New Jersey Department of Higher Education, 106 entries.
Books and Monographs in Progress:
Striking Out on their Own: Women, Same-Sex Affective Networks and Working Class Culture in France, 1880-1930.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Women and Veiling in Late Medieval France
Food Fights: Food Symbolism, Gender and Class in Early Modern Popular Culture, research generated by PSC-CUNY grant, 1986-1987 and 1988-1989.
Shifting Margins: Marginality and Communities of Difference in Late Medieval French Culture, funded by PSC-CUNY grant, 1993-4, 1995-6.
Conferences, Papers, Seminars and Lectures Given: 1990-present
1. “Melancholy Time: Late-Medieval Vernacular Readings of the Fall Calendar’s Pathways.” The Shape of Time in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Barnard Twenty-First Medieval and Renaissance Conference. Barnard College, December 6, 2008.
2. “Conspicuous Concealment: Covering Women’s Heads in Late Medieval and Renaissance France.” Gonzalez-Millán Faculty Seminar, Hunter College, November 12, 2008.
3. “Dis-Comfort Zone: Race and Gender Reinvent Italian America.” The Status of Interpretation in Italian American Studies. Forum on Italian American Criticism, SUNY Stony Brook, October 3-4, 2008.
4. “Breaking up the Family: Race and Gender in Italian Cinema.” The New Italian American Cinema. Calandra Institute, September 24, 2008.
5. February 29, 2008. “Hidden in Plain Sight: Women and Veiling in Late Medieval France.” Symposium on Fashion, Medieval and Renaissance Culture. “The Culture of Appearances in Medieval and Renaissance Europe.” Fashion Studies Concentration with the Certificate in Women’s Studies and the Ph.D. Programs in English and in French. The Graduate Center.
6. “Agonizing Diets, Agonistic Rituals: The Medieval Combat of Carnaval and Carême.” Rich Stews: Reading Food and Culture. A Symposium in Honor of Professor Alexander Szogyi (1929-2007). October 23, 2007, The Graduate Center of CUNY.
7. International Medieval Congress at Kalamazoo, May 2004, Panel on Queer Theory
8. Renaissance Society of America, NYC, April 2004, “Secrets of the Queen’s Chambers: the French Medici Queens and their Ladies in Waiting.”
9. Fordham Center for Medieval Studies, Discourse of Law and Justice in Medieval Europe, March 27, 2004, “Banishment in the Thirteenth-Century French Nord: The Letter, the Law and the Street.”
10. "’Our Town’ and Inscribing the Other: Early Ethnographic Discourse from Laurent Joubert to Guillaume Bouchet,” Panel Series on The Origins of Modern Ethnography: Describing the ‘Other’ in the Renaissance, 16th Century Studies Association, Denver, October 25-28 2001.
11. “Etre Forain au Moyen Age: Espaces de dehors et de dedans“ Vivre ensemble au Moyen Age, Centre d’Etudes Médiévales de la Région Champagne-Ardenne, 6e Mois Médiéval de Champagne-Ardenne, Langres, 19-20 May 2001.
12. “Hungry Baroque: A (de) constructive Homage to Piero Camporesi,” Postmodern/Premodern, The Graduate Center, City University of New York, March 30, 2001.
13. “From the Forest of Tales to the Classroom: Teaching Folklore and the Undergraduate Education.” The Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth, Department of Conferences, 2001 Odyssey Series, Stevens Institute of Technology, March 25, 2001.
14. Folgers Institute Faculty Week-End Seminar, “Between Worlds, Culture Mixture and Translation,” Natalie Zemon Davis, convener, March 10-11, 2000.
15. "Lesbian Communities in Paris," Stein in a New Space, Ph.D. Programs in English and French, The Graduate Center of CUNY, November 12, 1999.
16. "Problematizing Francophonie," Session on "Paradigms Lost and Found," Panelist, French and Francophone: The Challenge of Expanding Horizons, Yale University, Department of French and Center for Interdisciplinary French Studies, November 5 and 6, 1999.
17. Globalization and the French Curriculum: Faculty Development Seminar, 6 seminar series, organizer and grant writer, Fall 1999, Graduate School of CUNY. Paper, seminar 1, September 23, Culture.french@world.
18. Queer Middle Ages Conference, November 5-7, 1998, Graduate Center of CUNY and NYU; organizer and co-convener. "Queer Notions and Body Parts: Reading Desiring Machines in French XIIIth and XIVth Century medical Recipes."
19. 33rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mi., May 1998, organizer, sessions of "Medieval Africa at Kalamazoo" Society. Paper: "From Queenship to Kingship and Everything in Between: Gender and Political Models in Pre-Modern Africa."
20. Cemers Conference, SUNY at Binghamton, October 31-November 2, organized two sessions on Africa and Western colonial projects.
21. 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mi., May 1997, organizer, two sessions on "Africa from the 4th to the 16th Centuries;"organizer, 2 sessions sponsored by SSHMA, "Same-Sex Desire Among Women: Living as Lesbians in the Middle Ages"; roundtable participant, "Medieval Folklore: State of the Field," sponsored by the Medieval Folklore Society.
22. Medieval Club of New York, monthly speaker program, April 4, 1997, "From Margin to Center and Back: Defining Communities of Difference in Late Medieval France".
23. "Publishing Medieval Folklore Studies," panelist at American Folklore Society Conference, October 19, 1996.
24. Organizer and speaker, Medieval Folklore Society sessions, 31st Medieval Conference, Kalamazoo, Mi., May 1996, Western Michigan University; "Folklore, Gender and Sexuality: French Texts and Contexts"
25. "Culture" in Lecture Series: Culture Questions, The Wolfe Institute for the Humanities, Brooklyn College of CUNY and Center for Diversity and Multicultural Studies, Nov. 30, 1995
26. "Gender and Sexuality", Women's Studies Proseminar, CUNY Graduate Center, Nov. 13, 1995.
27. "Le poing levé de Hassiba Boulmerka: des femmes font corps avec leur histoire", in Islam, Femmes et Sexualité au Maghreb, The Francophone Association of CUNY, the Graduate School of CUNY, Nov. 10, 1995.
28. "As If He Were Doing it to a Woman: the Homosexual World of Arnauld de Verniolle (early XIVth century)". 30th Medieval Conference, Kalamazoo, Mi., May 1995, SHMA special session.
29. "Invisible Women: French Working Class Lesbian Culture in the Early 20th Century", Homosexuality in Modern France, Nov. 11, 1194, CUNY Graduate School, sponsored by CLAGS.
30. "Queering Italian America: Towards a History of Lesbians and Gay Men of Italian Descent", October 19, 1994, BMCC. Updated research presented at Hunter College, April 1995, for Italian section, Department of Romance Languages.
31. "Deschamps' Charivari of Noble Ladies and the Poetics of the Disrupted Clock", 29th Medieval Congress, Kalamazoo, MI., May 1994.
32. "Why the Sixties?", panelist, program organized by The Concentration in Twentieth-Century Studies, CUNY Graduate School, April 28, 1994.
33. "Gynosociabilité et la Femme-homme: politique d'un espace érotique féminin dans cinq oeuvres de Ben Jelloun, Djebar et Emna Bel Haj Yahia", Congrès Mondial, Conseil International d'Etudes Francophones, Québec City, April 9-16, 1994.
34. Panelist, FDA Excellence in Teaching Series, "Writing and Cultural Background", Hunter College, September 29, 1993.
35. "Time, Tradition and Resistance in Women's Culture", The Center for Cultural Studies, CUNY Graduate Center, May 11, 1993.
36. "The Myth of the Golden Age and the Critique of Colonization in French 16th Century Writings", From the New World to Utopias, Hunter College, October 1992.
37. "Folklore and Medicine in the Medieval City", The Medieval City and its Image, Fourth Biennal Conference, Health and Disease in the Medieval City, Plenary address, City University Graduate Center, Oct. 25, 1991.
38. May 1991, Colloquium on Medieval Folklore (2 sessions) at the 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI.
39. "Saints and Pregnancy: from Liturgy to Popular Religion", Colloquium on Popular Religion, Kalamazoo, MI., May 1991.
40. "Women and the Veil in Francophonic North African Literature", Post-Colonial Fantasies in Francophonic Literature: Crossing Boundaries and Borders, City University Graduate Center, French Student Forum, March 22, 1991.
41. “Food Images and Food Words in French XVIth Century Literature", CUNY Renaissance Forum, November 30, 1990.
42. "Ritual and Meaning in Italian Regional Costumes", New York Council for the Humanities, Speakers in the Humanities Program, 1990-1992.
43. "The Spice of Life: Medicine, Magic and the Medieval Spice Shelf", October 1988, April 1989, New York Council for the Humanities, Speakers in the Humanities Program. January 1990, at the Jewish Community Center in Bayonne, NJ.
1985-1988, selected papers:
“The World Upside Down and Medieval French Literature,”(Villanova), “Tristan de Nanteuil and the Gnostic Androgyne,”(Villanova), “Woman as Birth and Death Giver” (ISCSC), “Food Symbols in Comparative Folk Traditions,” (ISCSC), “Violence and the Epic”(ISCSC)
Conferences, Colloquia and Public Addresses Organized 1997-present
For the Henri Peyre French Institute:
La Philosophie de la Relation: Lecture by Edouard Glissant, First Distinguished Lecture Series, March 11, 2008. Translation of talk by Francesca Canadé Sautman.
Rich Stews, October 23, 2007 (co-organizer, Jeanine Parisier Plottel).
For the Ph.D. Program in French, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
May 5, 2008. «Pensée transnationale, politique, identités : A Conversation Between Emmanuelle Loyer and Peter Carravetta. » Back to the Sixties/the Sixties Are Back Project (a three-year program, 2008-2010), funded by the Services Culturels of the French Embassy in the United States. Year 1, Spring 2008.
March 27, 2008. “Jeune Cinema and New Wave.” Year 1, Spring 2008, Back to the Sixties/the Sixties Are Back Project.
March 17, 2008.”Celebrating the Francophone World.” With the Services Culturels of the French Embassy, the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie, the Canadian Consulate in New York, the Délégation Générale du Québec in New York, the Swiss Consulate, the French Mission to the United Nations, the Canadian Mission to the United Nations, and the Swiss Mission to the United Nations.
March 14, 2008. “A Tribute to Marilyn Hacker: Poetry and the Art of Translation.” With the Center for the Humanities and the Certificate Program in Women’s Studies.
February 22-May 16: with the French Doctoral Students, series of four workshops on the Pedagogy of Teaching French.
February 21, 2008. With the Atlantic Studies Group: “Atlantic Crossings. The Making of Modernity. Interdisciplinary Perspectives.”
November 1, 2007. “Louisette Ighilahriz. Woman Against General: Torture, Rape and Time. With the Certificate Program in Women’s Studies, the Ph.D. Program in Sociology, Ralph Bunche Institute, at The Graduate Center, and the Human Rights Program, Women and Gender Studies Program, and Sociology Department, at Hunter College of CUNY.
The Translation of Edouard Glissant’s Poetic Oeuvre. April 2006.
Performance and Patronage: Women Rulers and the Arts of Spectacle in the Renaissance, with the Renaissance Studies Certificate Program, April 2005
Commemorating Ahmadou Kourouma and International Human Rights Day, December 2004, with the Ralph Bunche Institute and the Africa Research Group at The Graduate Center
Events for the Haitian Bicentennial April 2004
Medieval Festival in New York: Rethinking the Middle Ages/Lire en Fete 2002: Les Moyens Ages, October 10-November 10, 2002, organized in conjunction with the Archives Nationales of France. Friday October 25th, A One-Day Colloquium: Medieval Frames and Margins. November 8, Black Pearl: Africa and Blackness in the Middle Ages
Romance Languages and Literature: The Impact of Multimedia Technologies; March 2002. Co-convener, Rosa Attali, doctoral candidate, Ph.D. in French.
France and Spain 1600-1680 Neighbors, Cousins, Enemies. March 2002. Co-convener: Lía Schwartz (Executive Officer, Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures)
Lire en Fête: Feasting on History, a project sponsored by the Archives Nationales; October 2001
Memory, Migration, Trace: Writing in French Outside of the Hexagon, April 20-21, 2001. Co-convener: J. Michael Dash, New York University.
Postmodern/Premodern Genealogies of Medieval and Early Modern Scholarship, Series of two conferences, February-March 2001 Quebec Cinema, May 2000.
The Scandal of Art, a three-part series. May 4-7 2000:
Maryse Condé: A Celebration of her Work, December 3, 1999
Fictions and Archives, April 16, 1999
Scattered Bodies of Truth: The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, with Martin Elsky, February 26, 1999;
Queer Middle Ages, a CLAGS conference, CUNY Graduate School, November 5-8 1998, Conference Co-convener.
Other Venues:
Renaissance Society of America, NYC, April 2004, 4 panels: Body and City one and Two, Tropes of Colonization, and The Homosocial in the Renaissance. Co-convener: Domna Stanton (Distinguished Professor of French, The Graduate Center).
Cemers Conference, SUNY at Binghamton, October 31-November 2, 1997, organized two sessions on Africa and Western colonial projects.
32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Mi., May 1997, organizer, two sessions on "Africa from the 4th to the 16th Centuries;"organizer, 2 sessions sponsored by SSHMA, "Same-Sex Desire Among Women: Living as Lesbians in the Middle Ages"; roundtable participant, "Medieval Folklore: State of the Field," sponsored by the Medieval Folklore Society.