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Christopher B. Braun

Ph.D., University of California at San Diego, Neurosciences

Contact Information:
Dr. Christopher B. Braun
Department of Psychology
Hunter College, Room 606N
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 772-5554
Fax: (212) 650-3018

Link to The Braun Lab Webpage

Current Areas of Research:
All of the research in my lab can be related to the simple question: What do animals know about their world, and how do they know it? Indeed, all animals experience the world through their perceptions, so the world is literally defined by the sensory information available. I am particularly interested in understanding the tremendous diversity of sensory systems across the animal kingdom. The breadth of sensory systems found in fishes (the most diverse group of animals with backbones) offers countless opportunities to examine the results of natural evolutionary experiments. What can some species perceive that others cannot, and what specific features of their sensory apparatus are responsible for that difference in performance? We use a variety of techniques to probe the relationship between nervous system structure and sensory function, ranging from studies of peripheral sensory structures and the organization of sensory processing in the brain, to behavioral and physiological studies of sensory abilities.

Selected Publications:

2002 Braun CB, Coombs S, and Fay R. What is the nature of multisensory interaction between Octavolateralis sub-systems? Brain Behav Evol 59:162-176.

2001 Coombs S, Braun CB, and Donovan B. Orienting response of Lake Michigan mottled sculpin is mediated by canal neuromasts. J Exp Biol 204:337-348.

2000 Braun, C.B. and S. Coombs. The overlapping roles of the inner ear and lateral line: The active space of dipole source detection. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. In press.

2000 Braun, C.B. and R.G. Northcutt. Chordate and vertebrate body structure: Brain and cranial nerves. In R. Singer and M.K. Diamond (eds.) The Encyclopedia of Paleontology. London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers. In press.

Psych 180 - Introduction to Brain and Behavior
Psych 710 - Neuroscience I
Psych 716 - Animal Behavior I
Psych 719 - Animal Behavior II

Graduate Students:
Deena Dailey
Rebecca Jones
Micah Cordova

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