Please download the forms by clicking on the specific links below. All forms are available either as Microsoft Word Document or Microsoft Excel Workbook format. Almost all the forms are editable so that the content can be typed-in before the print-out. However, editing/deleting any part of the form's original text is prohibited.
Forms should be submitted to College Association Office at Thomas Hunter Building Room 203, Hunter College. Please take note of the "Notes" column for any information regarding a form before download.
Form Name Document Format Notes Fall 2024 Procedures PDF COMING SOON Budget Request Form 2024-2025* * (Consolidated Funds Page should also be submitted with each new budget form). Click Here to submit your Budget Request Line Transfer From Important: Please specify the item,line number Budget Modification Form Income Earned Form Line Transfer / Budget Modification Check Request Sumnission Other includes: Health Services, Media Board, Performing Ats Purchase Requirements Overview Please submit 3 original copies of Signature Contract Form Bus/Van Rental Standard Release Form
Handbook 2024-2024
and the amount that is being modified while
making a Transfer/ Modification/Income Earned.
Line Transfer is transfer of funds between Lines,
Modification is Transfer of funds within a line.
Please submit all the transfersin Line Transfer
form and all the Modifications in BudgetModification
form. For any earned income a separate
Income Earned form must be filled.
TGIF, and Welfare Rights Initiative.
C.A. Appointment Packet
Profile Form to the Dean's Office.
The Cuny W9 Form must be submitted with every contract