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Nicola Kriefall Wins 2014 Goldwater Scholarship

Nicola Kriefall Wins 2014 Goldwater Scholarship

Nicola Kriefall

Congratulations to Nicola Kriefall '15, who has won a prestigious Goldwater Scholarship for 2014!    

The Barry Goldwater Scholarship was established by Congress in 1986 to honor Senator Barry Goldwater. It is the nation's most prestigious undergraduate scientific award, whose purpose is to provide the nation with top flight scientists, mathematicians and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue research careers.

Nicola is a Yalow Honors and McNulty Scholar, majoring in Biology with a concentration in Neurobiology. She spent last summer doing research at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, working with Professor Gerardo Morfini on neurodegenerative diseases with squid. She will return again this summer. Nicola is also a member of Professor Chris Braun's lab here at Hunter, where she is working on the behavior and neurophysiology of weakly electric fish. Nicola plans to get a PhD in Marine Biology. Her long-term goal is to study the impact of chemical pollutants on the nervous system of marine life.

Congratulations again to Nicola, and to two other Hunter students, Nicholas Crispi and Jennifer Zagelbaum, who were awarded honorable mentions in this year's awards.

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