Human Subjects Research
All Principal Investigators (PIs) and research personnel must demonstrate training in Human Subjects Research (HSR) through completion of the CITI Program Human Subjects - Basic training or refresher course. Please note that there are several courses available depending on your position within CUNY and the type of research you may be conducting.
Please ensure that you complete one of the following as it best fits your position and research:
- HSR for Undergraduate Students
- HSR for Social & Behavioral Faculty, Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Scholars
- HSR for Biomedical Faculty, Graduate Students & Postdoctoral Scholars
This training must appear in IRBManager by linking your account to your CITI Program account using your campus email address, not your CUNYFirst or personal email address. Instructions for linking CITI Human Subjects Research may be found under 'Notices' on your Dashboard in IRBManager. Refresher training is required every three years.