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Site Section


What is a Site Section

Site Sections are groups of content that represent individual departments, offices, programs or initiatives. All types of content can be applied to a site section, including:

  • Pages
  • Articles
  • Events
  • People
  • Left Column Menus
  • Buttons


screenshot of site section module in wordpress cms

Site section menu in WordPress


The Site Section module is usually located in the right column of the WordPress CMS. If you don't see the module, click on Screen Options (top right corner of the page) and select "Site Section" to display the module.


Site Sections are important because they organize content in a way that allows:

  • Protection: Only approved editors can access and edit it.
  • Visibility: Content in Site Sections can be used in feeds (news, events, people).


Please note:

  • Editors will only see Site Sections they have access to manage. (See Roles & Access for more information.)
  • Editors must select a Site Section before publishing any content.
  • Content can be in more than one Site Section. If it is, any editor in any of those Site Sections can edit and/or delete it. To request content be shared with another Site Section, use Feature Me / Share Me.