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Fall 2017 Schedule of Classes


PHILO 101(Lec)        INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY        3hrs, 3crs.  GER 2/C, I&S-H

All Sections  01/L01   Tues & Fri 10:10-11:00                                    Garson                   714 West

In ADDITION, EACH SECTION MEETS on WEDNESDAY on the following schedule:

1D01/L50D     Wednesday     9:10-10:00                                  Pendoley               505 West

1D02/L51D     Wednesday     9:10-10:00                                  Smolenski            506 West

1D03/L52D     Wednesday     10:10-11:00                                Garson                   505 West

1D04               Wednesday     10:10-11:00                               Pendoley               506 West                       

1D05/L67D     Wednesday     11:10-12:00                                  Boyd                     506 West

1D06/L68D     Wednesday      12:10-1:00                                   Boyd                     506 West

 1D07/L49D     Wednesday     12:10-1:00                                 Smolenski                 505 West

1D08             Wednesday     10:10-11:00                                  Graham                   204 West

1D09               Wednesday     11:10-12:00                                Graham                 505 West



PHILO 101                INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY        3hrs, 3crs    GER 2/C, I&S-H

02/L26/L27/L47  Mon & Wed    4:10-5:25                                    Blecher                  C002 North

 03                    Tues & Thu     7:00-8:15                                    Mahony                 506 West

 04/L13             Mon & Thu     2:45-4:00                                    Harris                    505 West

 05/L48             ON-LINE COURSE                                               Harris                    On-line

07                   Tues & Fri        3:45-5:00                                   Robinson               505 West           


PHILO 104                INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS    3hrs, 3crs  GER 2/C, I&S-H

  01                    Tues & Fri       8:10-9:25am                               Kivatinos               505 West

  02                    Tue & Fri         9:45-11 am                                 Zapata                   505 West

  03                    Saturday          11:10-2:00                                  Guetti                    505 West

  04                    Mon & Wed    5:35-6:50                                    Zapata                   506 West

  CN1                Tues & Thu     4:10-5:25                                    Guetti                    C109 North

   LA1                 Tues & Thu     4:10-5:25                                    Muyskens              506 West

   05                    Tue & Thu       5:35-6:50 pm                              Doyle                    506 West



PHILO 106                PHILOSOPHY, POLITICS, & SOCIETY    3hrs, 3crs  GER 2/C, I&S-SS, PD/D

 01                    Tues & Fri       2:10-3:25                                    Whalen                  506 West

 02                    Tues & Fri       9:45-11:00am                            Whalen                  610 West



PHILO 170                INTRO TO LOGIC & SCIENTIFIC METHOD  3hrs, 3crs  Sci World

02                    Mon & Wed    5:35-6:50 pm              Salomone              224 West

03                    ON-LINE COURSE                        Garson                On-line



 PHILO 200.96           HUMANS AND OTHER ANIMALS           3 hrs, 3 crs

Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

  01                    Tues & Fri       11:10-12:25            Egan                      1143 West



 PHILO 212(W)          CLASSICAL GREEK PHILOSOPHY        3hrs, 3crs    GER 3/A, PD/D

Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

01                   Tues & Thu     7:00-8:15                  Adluri                    505 West

02                    Mon & Thu     9:45-11:00                  Press                    505 West




Prereq:  Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

02                    Mon & Thu     1:10-2:25                    Blecher                  506 West




Prereq:  Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

 01                  Mon & Thu     2:45-4:00                    Kirkland                 506 West           



PHILO 221(W)          INDIAN PHILOSOPHY                3hrs, 3crs   GER 3/A,   PD/A

Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

01                    Tues & Thu     5:35-6:50                   Adluri                    224West



PHILO 226(W)          AFRICAN AMERICAN PHILOSOPHY       3hrs, 3crs  GER  3/A, PD/C

Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

 01                Mon & Thu       4:10-5:25                   Kirkland                  505 West



PHILO 230(W)          FEMINISM                                          3 hrs, 3 crs 

 01               Mon & Wed       4:10-5:25                     Alcoff                   506 West



PHILO 244(W)          MORAL PHILOSOPHY                                3 hrs, 3 crs

Prereq: Engl 120 plus one course in philosophy

  01               Mon & Wed    5:35-6:50                        Ferguson               505 West



PHILO 246(W)          POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY                         3hrs, 3crs  GER 3/B

Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

 01               Mon & Thu     11:10-12:25                   Keton                  506 West



PHILO 250(W)          PROBLEMS OF ETHICS AND SOCIETY  3 hrs, 3 crs   GER 3/B

Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

 01                    Tues & Fri       11:10-12:25              Lindsay                 505 West



 PHILO 258(W)          AESTHETICS                                             3hrs, 3crs    GER 3/A

Prereq:  Engl 120 or equivalent plus one course in philosophy

 01                    Mon & Thu     2:45-4:00pm                 Robinson            410 West                       



 PHILO 275/MATH 275/CSCI 395.9     SYMBOLIC LOGIC   3hrs, 3crs

  01                    Mon & Thu     9:45-11 am                   Harris           C102 North



PHILO 320(W)           20TH-CENTURY PHILOSOPHY             3 hrs, 3 crs

Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus two courses in philosophy, one of which is at the 200 level

  01                    Tues & Fri       2:10-3:25                Egan                505 West



PHILO 372/MATH372/CSCI372    LOGIC AND COMPUTERS  3hrs, 3 crs  

Prereq: PHILO/MATH/CSCI 275 OR CSCI 150 OR permission of instructor

 01                    Tues & Thu     7:00-8:15pm            Shankar                 413 West



 PHILO 380.83(W)     HEIDEGGER                                             3hrs, 3crs  GER 3/A

Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus two courses in philosophy, one of which is at the 200 level.    

 01                    Tue & Fri         12:45-2:00            Egan                      505 West




3 hrs, 3 crs. Prereq: Engl 120 or equivalent plus two courses in philosophy, one of which is at the 200 level.

01                            Mon & Wed    7:00-8:15         Alcoff                   509B West