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Post Docs Mentored

Dr. Kresimir Adamic  Eltron Research, Deceased 2015
Dr. Phillip Stallworth Research Associate Prof., Hunter College of CUNY
Dr. Bo Ouyang Actuary/ Analyst, NY Life
Dr. Sam Aramugam NMR Facility Manager, U.Missouri
Dr. Y. (Ingrid) Dai Analytical Chemist, International Paper, Inc.
Dr. Telitha Murray
Dr. Song Ho Chung Professor, Wm. Patterson University
Dr. Sabina Abbrent Research Staff, Inst. Macromol. Sci., Czech Republic
Dr. Pierre Kempgens
Dr. Benjamin Meyer Technical Staff, MaxPower, Inc.
Dr. Faisal Alamgir Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dr. Michele Vitadello Assistant Professor, Medgar Evers College, CUNY
Dr. Valencia Johnson Technical Staff, Ashland Chemical, Inc.
Dr. Christoph Weise Research Faculty, U. Umea, Sweden
Dr. Glendon Dale McLachlan Assistant Professor, Queens College, CUNY
Dr. Paul Sideris Assistant Professor, Queensborough Community College, CUNY
Dr. Xavier Bogle Program Manager, New York Academy of Sciences
Dr. Ian Nieves
Dr. Steven Boyd
Dr. Mallory Gobet Research Chemist, Arkema Inc.

Graduate Students Mentored

Yiu Sun (Steve) Pak Deceased 1995
Shizhe Li Core NMR/MRI Research Staff, NIMH, NIH
Rensheng (Lou) Chen Analyst, Citibank
J.R.P. Jayakody, co-mentored w/ R.A. Marino Prof., U. Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
Yaobang Wu PlugPower, Inc., Fuel Cell Systems
Svilen Kostov, co-mentored w/ M. denBoer Assoc. Prof., Georgia Southwestern St. U.
Yifeng Wang
Sophia Suarez Associate Prof. Brooklyn College, CUNY
Xiaodong Guo MRI Facility Manager, Brain Research, U. Chicago
Eugene Mananga Associate Prof., Bronx Cimmunity College, CUNY
Amish Khalfan Assistant Prof., Laguardia Community College, CUNY
Nicole Leifer Research Staff, Bar Ilan U., Israel
George Bennet
Chandana Kodiweera Research Staff, Dartmouth Medical School (MRI)
Gabriel Goenaga Postdoc, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jaime Farrington
Chief Scientist, Sydor Inc.
Sohan Desilva NMR Facility Manager, U. Texas, El Paso
Sufia Khatun Postdoc, Rutgers University
Marc Berman Assistant Prof., Bard Early College High School
Tetiana Nosach Data Scientist, Viacomm
Armando Rua Assistant Professor, U. Puerto Rico Mayaguez
Jing Peng Postdoc, U. Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Lab
Lisa Cirrincione Analyst, Bloomberg Hew Energy Finance
Kartik Pilar Postdoc, UC Santa Barbara
Stephen Munoz Postdoc, Cal Tech.
Shen Lai Research Staff, Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange

Over 40 M.A. or B.A./Honors students mentored