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Frank J. Owens
Dept. of Physics, Hunter College,
City University of New York
695 Park Ave., NY NY 10065           


PhD, Physics,University of Connecticut                     email:
MS,  Physics, University of Connecticut                   
BS,   Physics, Manhattan College,N.Y.                      

Professional Experience

1/09 to present, Research Professor, Dept. of Physics, Hunter College of CUNY.
9/90 to 12/2008, Senior Research Physicist, U.S. Army Armament Research Engineering and Development Ctr  (ARDEC)
9/89 to 9/90, Visiting Professor, Dept. of Physics, Hunter College of CUNY.
9/89 to 4/2016, Member of Graduate Faculty in Physics, City University of New York
9/85 to 9/89, Chief of Materials Branch, Energetic Materials Division ,ARDEC.
3/82 to 9/85, Chief of the Molecular Properties Section,Energetic Materials Division, ARDEC
10/68 to 3/82, Research Physicist, Energetic Materials Division, ARRADCOM,.
1/78 to 1/79, Graduate Lecturer, Physics (part-time), Fairleigh Dickenson University
1/77 to 1/79, Lecturer,Physics (part-time), New Jersey Institute of Technology
6/64-6/68 Research Assistant, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Connecticut
6/63 to 9/64, Aerospace Scientist,Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA
6/62-6/64, Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Physics, Univ. of Connecticut

Other Activities
Consultant to Army Research Office 2008-2010, Served on 15 Ph.D. committees at City University of New York and New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Reviewer of papers for major scientific journals.

Sigma Pi Sigma-physics honor society, 1963
Atomic Energy Commission Pre Doctoral fellowship, 1966
Army Research and Development Award, 1982, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2001
Sigma Xi award for research on energetic materials, 1984
Army Science Conference award for best papers 1986, 1994
Secretary of Army Fellowship, 1989
Fellow of American Physical Society, 1999 

Present Research Interests

â–ºApplication of computational material science to determining various properties nanostructures. Of particular interest is the prediction of electrocatalytic activity of nanostructures.



Edited by F. J. Owens, C .P.Poole and H.A. Farach (Academic Press,1979)

VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY OF PHASE TRANSITIONS Edited by Z. Iqbal and F. J. Owens (Academic Press,1984)

THE NEW SUPERCONDUCTORS, by F. J.Owens & C .P Poole  (Plenum Publishing,1996)


INTRODUCTION TO NANOTECHNOLOGY by C.P. Poole and F. J. Owens, (John Wiley & Sons 2003)

PHYSICS and CHEMISTRY OF NANOSOLIDS by F. J.Owens and C. P. Poole, (John Wiley& Sons,2008)

PHYSICS OF MAGNETIC NANOSTRUCTURES by F. J. Owens (John Wiley & Sons, 2008)

PHYSICS OF LOW DIMENSIONAL SOLIDS by F. J. Owens (World Scientic Publishing) in press

Recent Open Literature Publications

159.  High Temperature Ferromagnetism in Cu Doped GaP by SQUID Magnetometry and Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements, A. Gupta, F. J. Owens and K. V. Rao, Phys. Rev  B74, 224449 (2006)

160.  High Temperature Ferromagnetism In Bulk Sintered Gallium Phosphide Doped with Manganese, F. J. Owens, J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 66,793 (2005)

161.  Ferromagnetism Tailored Above Room Temperature in Bulk and Thin Films of Mn doped ZnO, P. Sharma, A. Gupta, K. V. Rao, F. J. Owens, R. Ahuja, B. Johansson, G. Gehring, Nature Materials 2, 639 (2003)

162.  Evidence for High Temperature Ferromagnetism in Photolyzed C60, F. J. Owens, Z. Iqbal, L. Belova and K. V. Rao, Phys. Rev.  B69, 033403 (2004)

163.  Enhanced Yield Strength in Iron Nanocomposites with in situ grown Single walled Carbon Nanotubes, A. Goyal, D.A.Wiegand, F.J. Owens ,Z. Iqbal, J. Mater. Res. 21, 1 (2006)

164.  In situ synthetized Iron -multiwalled Carbon Nanotube with Enhanced Mechanical Properties, A. Goyal, D.A.Wiegand, F.J. Owens , Z. Iqbal, Chem. Phys. Lett  442, 365 (2007)

165.  Boron and Nitrogen Doped Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Possible Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, Nano Research Letters 2,447 (2007)

166.  Structural and Ferromagnetic Properties of Cu Doped GaN. B. Seiepel , F.J. Owens et. al. J. Mater Res. 22 ,1396 (2007)

167.  Characterization and Intrinsic Magnetic properties of Nickel Nanoparicles, F. J. Owens and V. Stepanov, Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 3, 141 (2008)

168.  Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Armchair and Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons. F. J. Owens J. Chem..Phys.. 128, 19470 (2008)

169.  Effect of Oxidation of Graphene Nanoribbons on Electronic and Magnetic Properties, F. J. Owens, Molecular Physics 106, 2441 (2008)

170.  Ferromagnetic Resonance of Field Aligned Fe2O3 Nanoparticles ,Evidence of a Phase Transition, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, 2386 (2009)

171.  NMR and Raman Measurements of Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites of Polybutadience, G. D. Bennett, S. G. Greenbaum and F. J. Owens ,Journal of Materials Research 24, 2215 (2009)

172.  Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in Cu-doped ZnO Synthetized from CuO and ZnO Nanoparticles , Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 321, 3734 (2009)

173.  On the Possibility of Zigzag and Armchair Silicon Nanoribbons having the Graphene , Structure, M. Miller and F. J. Owens Chem. Phys 381, 1 (2011)

174.  Reprodicible Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Small Molecular Anions, F. J. Owens, Molecular Physics 109, 667 (2011)

175.  High Temperature Magnetic Order in Zinc Sulphide Doped with Copper, F. J. Owens et. al. J. Phys. Chem. Solids 72, 648 (2011)

176.  Increasing the B/N Ratio in Boron Nitride Nanoribbons, a Possible Approach to Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, F. J. Owens, Molecular Physics, 20 1527 (2011)

177.  Prediction of a Free Standing Nitrogen Oligomer, F. J. Owens ,Computational and Theoretical Chemistry , 137, 966 (2011)

178.  Ferromagnetic Resonance of Magnetic field Aligned Iron Nanoparticles, F. J. Owens, NanoScience and Technology Lett. 3, 1 (2011)

179.  Tuning Electronic and magnetic properties of Boron Nitride Nanotubes, M. Miller and F. J. Owens,. Solid State Communications 151, 1001 (2011)

180.  Evidence of Laser Induced Decomposition of Triaminotrinitrobenzene from Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, F. J. Owens, Molecular Physics 109, 2587 (2011)

181.  Paramagnetic Resonance as a Probe of the Spin Gap in the Normal State of Hg-Pb-Ba-Ca-Cu ISNR Condensed Matter Physics.929713 (2011)

182.  Ferromagnetism in Carbon and Boron Nitride Nanostructures, F.J. Owens, R. Patel and M. Miller in Magnetic Nanoparticles: Properties, Synthesis and Applications, Nova Science Publishers (2012) ed by B. Acklin and E. Lautens

183.  Stability of Functionalized C60 Paramagnetic Dimers and Monomers, M. Miller and F. J. Owens Chemical Physics 394,52 (2012)

184.  Application of Self  Consistent Reaction Field Theory to Thermally Induced Exothermic Reactions in Energetic Molecules, M. Miller and F. J. Owens, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 989 ,86 (2012)

185.  Ferromagnetism in Thermally Decomposed Polyimide Films, F. J. Owens and R. Patel, J. of Macromolecular Science B52, 1 (2012)

186.  On the Possibility of Ferromagnetism in Nanosized CuCl2, F.J. Owens, J. of Nanoparticles 2013, 756473 (2013)

187.  Evidence for Stable High Temperature Ferromagnetism in Fluorine Treated C60, R. Patel and F. J. Owens, J of Materials, 2013, 261304 (2013)

188.  Defect Induced Distortion in Graphene and Boron Nitride Nanoribbons M. Miller and F.J. Owens , Chem. Phys. Lett. 570, 42 (2013)

189.  Prediction of Unusual Curled Nitrogen Oligomers, F. J. Owens, Chem. Phys. Lett. 583.20 (2014)

190. Pentacene and Poly-Pentacene: as Graphene Nanoribbons, F. J. Owens, Solid State Comm. 185, 58 (2014)

191. Raman and Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Evidence for Oxidation Induced Decomposition of Graphite, F.J. Owens, Molecular Physics, 113, 1208 (2015)

192. Electronic Structure of Phospherene Nanoribbons, F. J. Owens, Solid State Communications , 223, 37 (2015)

193. Prediction of Electrocatalytic Activity of Some Nitrogen Doped Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons By Molecular Modeling, F. J. Owens. Molecular Simulation 42, 976 (2016)

194. Boron-Filled Hybrid Carbon Nanotubes, Rajen Patel, Tsengming Chou, Alokik Kanwal, David Apigo, Joseph Lefebvre, Frank Owens, and Zafar Iqbal Scientific Reports 6,30495 (2016)

195. Modeling Electrocatalytic Activity of Nitrogen Radicals, Frank J. Owens, International Res. Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry 12(2) 1 (2016)

196. On the Possibility of Planar Graphyne and Graphdiyne Chains, Frank J. Owens, Solid State Comm. 250, 71 (2017)

197. Structure and Stability of Solvation Complexes of Trimethyl Phosphate and Dimethyl Methyl Phosphate, F. J. Owens, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2017

198. Modelling Boron Nitride Nanostructures as Catalysts in Fuel Cells, F. J. Owens, Molecular Simulation 43, 24 (2017)

199. Density Functional Theory Modelling of Boron Doped Carbon Nanostructures as Catalysts in Fuel Cells, F. J. Owens, Advanced Nano Energy 1, 39 (2017)

200. Modelling Boron Doped Carbon and Boron Nitride Nanostructures as Catalysts at the Cathode in Fuel Cells, F. J. Owens, chapter in Boron Nitride, Synthesis and Applications, Edited by E. Morgan, Nova Science Publishers, 2017

201. Application of SERS for Ultra Sensitive Detection of Small Molecules, Chapter in SERS Methods, Analysis and Research, Edited by V. Bhardwai, Nova Science Publishers, 2017