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The Evolution of Baryonic Matter from the third minute to the Present

When Apr 27, 2022
from 12:45 pm to 02:00 pm
Speaker Ani Aprahamian, Ph. D.
Speaker Information Speaker Bio: Professor Ani Aprahamian is the director of A. Alikhanyan Science Laboratory of Armenia and an endowed chair professor in Nuclear Physics at the University of Notre Dame. Prof. Aprahamian went to Armenia to launch the operation of an 18 MV cyclotron to start the production of radioisotopes for nuclear medicine, and to start a program in low energy Nuclear Physics. Prof. Aprahamian has been elected as one of the five Vice Presidents of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics and the chair of the Commission on Nuclear Physics (C-12). Prof. Aprahamian chairs the science advisory council of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams in the USA (the largest construction project by the Department of Energy). She is also a member of the science councils of various laboratories around the world including France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the Russian Federation. Professor Aprahamian has served as a program director in Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics at the US National Science Foundation, as department chair of Physics, and as the director of the Nuclear Science Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame. She has published over 240 papers, given over 250 invited addresses at national and international conferences, and mentored 19 Ph.D. students and over 70 undergraduate students.
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The Big Bang is thought to have created the primordial elements of H, He, and Li. Nuclei and nucleons start forming out of the hot quark-gluon plasma almost immediately but due to the high temperatures keep breaking down again until the universe has expanded and cooled to below 2 MeV at approximately 3 minutes after the big bang. At these temperatures, the photon energies drop below the keV range and can no longer be absorbed by primordial atoms and there is light. This is the end of the dark ages. First generations of stars are formed and multiple generations of stars eventually lead to the synthesis of the elements up to iron. It is however the cataclysmic astrophysical events involved with the death of stars that yield the elemental abundances we recognize for our solar system. The site and origin of the heavy elements from Iron to the heavy actinides had remained a challenge for the 21st century. My talk will address the emergence and evolution of baryonic matter from the third minute until the present. This work is supported by the US National Science Foundation.