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Interview Prep

Be sure to be well rested and relaxed for your interview, it is important to appear confident and to Dress for Success. Make sure you have a good understanding of the following before you arrive for your interview:

  • Know the Company - What do they do? How do they make money? Who are their clients? Who is the CEO? Is it public? What are the company's values, goals and recent achievements?
    These are all important things to know about the company, regardless of what position you are applying for it will certainly show if you can speak intelligently about the company.
  • Know the Position - What would your responsibilities be? Why are they hiring? What are they looking for in a candidate? What skills did the mention in the job description?
    You should know the job description by heart, it is really important that every answer you give, every suggestion you make ties back to the job at hand. You want to show that you are the right person for the job and knowing what the job is, is step 1.
  • Know Why - Why do you want to work for the company? Why are you a good fit for the position? Why should they hire you?
    Finally, it is really important for you to know why you are there in the first place. You MUST know why you want to work for the company and why, frankly, they should pick you out of everyone else interviewing.

A good way to prepare yourself is to come up with sentences to demonstrate your skills and how they would apply to the position at hand, here are some examples:
- "My experience at _________ gave me a chance to hone my ________ skills, which would allow me to __________ and succeed in this role."
- "When I  ___________ as a ________ at _____________, I demonstrated my _____________ skills"

When you are actually answering interview questions always remember to use the STAR method:

  1. Think of a Situation or Task that relates to the question
  2. Identify what Actions you took to complete the task or resolve the situation
  3. Discuss the Results of your actions

The STAR method helps you come up with a structured way of answering any behavioral question from "Give me a time when you worked with a team to solve a problem" to "What's your biggest weakness?".

Finally, always remember to ask some questions of your own to the interviewer when given the chance. Asking well thought out relevant questions demonstrates your interest in the position and gives you a chance to stand out from other candidates. Take a look at these 8 Interview Questions That Will Catch Hiring Managers Off Balance!

Sample Interview Questions

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