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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2019 01 Student Doctor Speaker Series: Hunter Alum Gloria Felix

Student Doctor Speaker Series: Hunter Alum Gloria Felix

Join us for a discussion with Hunter Alumni and former Hunter MAPS President Gloria Felix. She will discuss opportunities for pre-med students such as Post-Bacc linkage programs or special masters programs that lead to gaining acceptance into medical school, the ABLE program, (which is the linkage program that allowed her to achieve her dream of attending medical school) and about Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. She will also provide insights into the application process and the Multiple Mini Interview. Category:

  • audience::Students
When Jan 09, 2019
from 01:30 pm to 03:00 pm
Speaker Gloria Felix
Speaker Information Hunter College Alum MD Candidate
Where Hunter West, Room 405
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