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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2020 07 Preparing and Applying to Public Health Masters (MPH) Programs

Preparing and Applying to Public Health Masters (MPH) Programs

If you are interested in or thinking about pursuing a Masters in Public Health then this workshop is a must! We will cover everything you need to know to be a strong applicant for MPH programs.

When Jul 07, 2020
from 04:30 pm to 06:00 pm
Speaker Pre-Health Advisor
Speaker Information Pre-Health Advising Staff
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Both healthcare and public health are rapidly changing, and new tools and technologies have enabled us to tackle issues that were once thought to be insurmountable. For this reason, the healthcare needs innovative leaders with a population health perspective who understand the realities facing today's patients, policymakers, and can apply emerging technologies to solve health disparities facing communities locally and the world.

If you're interested in becoming a leader in healthcare, earning a master's in public health could be the best way to achieve your goal. An MPH can also help to make you a more competitive applicant for medical school. By earning an MPH, you'll learn more about the issues impacting communities worldwide and how you can tackle those challenges through educational programming, new public health policies, and services, research, or community partnerships.

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