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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2023 09 PPAP 1003-How to Write the Other Impactful Experiences Essay

PPAP 1003-How to Write the Other Impactful Experiences Essay

When Sep 19, 2023
from 02:20 pm to 03:50 pm
Speaker Pre-Health Advising
Speaker Information Pre-Health Advising Team
Where Zoom Virtual Meeting
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The Other Impactful Experiences essay is designed to give applicants the opportunity to provide additional context about the challenges they may have experienced during their lives.

This question is intended for those applicants who have had impactful life experiences and who have faced or overcome challenges in a variety of areas such as family background, financial background, community setting, education, religion, or other life experiences. The experiences described can be from any point in an applicant’s lifetime and do not need to be related to the field of medicine or health care.

All applicants in the 2024-2025 & 2025-2026 cycles should attend this seminar.

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