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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2023 09 PPAP 1003- Medical School Application Planning 101

PPAP 1003- Medical School Application Planning 101

When Sep 20, 2023
from 02:20 pm to 03:50 pm
Speaker Pre-Health Advising
Speaker Information Pre-Health Advising Team
Where Zoom Virtual Meeting
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This seminar will offer a step-by-step detailed action plan for students to follow with the intention of providing them with the framework for a strong and comprehensive application. The seminar will break down the students’ responsibilities as an applicant by year, and provide different scenarios and paths that perhaps they haven’t considered but that will lead to a more competitive application.

This is a required seminar for 2024 & 2025 medical school applicants.

More information about this seminar…

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