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You are here: Home Pre-Health Advising Pressroom Seminars 2024 07 PPAP 1002-Health Careers Exploration: Social Work

PPAP 1002-Health Careers Exploration: Social Work

When Jul 23, 2024
from 01:00 pm to 02:00 pm
Speaker Pre-Health Advising
Speaker Information Pre-Health Advising Team
Where Zoom Virtual Meeting
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Social work is a practice-based profession that promotes social change, development, cohesion, and the empowerment of people and communities. Social work practice involves the understanding of human development, behavior, and the social, economic, and cultural institutions and interactions.

A social worker helps people cope with the challenges they are facing in their lives. Some, called clinical social workers, are therapists who diagnose and then treat individuals who have mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders. Specialty categories include children, families, and schools; mental health and substance abuse; and health care. (

This PPAP 1002 series seminar is required for freshman Pre-Health students to open a pre-health file.

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