Freshman Students
Join the Pre-Health Listserv. Enter your full name and Hunter College Email and click Subscribe. By subscribing to our Pre-Health Listserv you will receive all emails from the Pre-Health Office.
Step 1: To apply to the Pre-Health Program, you must complete the requirements below:
- Register for and attend the Pre-Health Freshman Orientation.
- Register for and attend ALL the Pre-Health Professions Advising Pathway (PPAP) 1000 : Building Your Pre-Health Credentials Portfolio seminars. The PPAP 1000 seminar series assists you in being a strong candidate for the health professions. The PPAP 1000 seminars are offered each fall and spring semester on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:20 to 3:50 pm.
- Here is a list of the PPAP 1000 seminars:
- Pre-Health Planning 101
- STEM Study Skills for Pre-Health Students
- Resume Writing 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Networking 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Professionalism 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Stress Management for Pre-Health Students
- Time Management for Pre-Health Students
- Clinical Exposure 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Community Service Volunteering for Pre-Health Students
- How to Pursue Research Opportunities for Pre-Health Students
- Effective Communication for Pre-Health Students
- Interviewing 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Mentoring 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Overcoming Procrastination for Pre-Health Students
- Prestigious Scholarships 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Study Abroad 101 for Pre-Health Students
- How to Remember What You Learned
- Building Resilience 101 for Pre-Health Students: Skills for Personal
and Academic Success - Quantitative Analysis and Reasoning Skills for Pre-Health Students
- Letters of Recommendation: Everything You Need to Know
- Everything You Need to Know about Being a Pre-Health Student
- …And more
- You are responsible for keeping a record of the names of all PPAP 1000 seminars you attended and the dates you attended them.
- After attending the last PPAP 1000 seminar—Everything You Need to Know about Being a Pre-Health Student—you will receive your Pre-Health Contract, Pre-Health Program Application and your Pre-Health ID Number.
- Promptly submit your Pre-Health Contract.
- Promptly submit your Pre-Health Program Application before your Pre-Health ID expires.

Step 2: To open your Pre-Health File, complete the requirements below:
- Register for and Attend ALL the PPAP 1002: Healthcare Careers Exploration seminars, which will expose you to many different careers that you can pursue in the field of healthcare. The PPAP 1002 seminars are offered each spring Semester on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:20 to 3:50 pm.
- PLEASE NOTE: The offered PPAP 1002 seminar may vary each semester.
- Here is a list of some of the PPAP 1002 seminars offered:
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Genetic Counseling
- Healthcare Administration
- Health Informatics
- Healthcare Policy and Economics
- Integrative Medicine
- Medical Laboratory Sciences
- Medicine
- Mental Health Counseling
- Nursing
- Nutrition
- Occupational Therapy
- Optometry
- Pharmacology
- Physical Therapy
- Physician Assistant
- Podiatry
- Rehabilitation Counseling
- Research Administration
- Speech-Language Pathology
- Social Work
- Systems Medicine
- Translational Medicine
- Public Health
- Veterinary Medicine
- …And more
- Complete a minimum of 12 science credits at Hunter (e-Permit courses are not considered)
- Attain a minimum 3.3 GPA cumulative and BCP (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
- Click this link for instructions onHow to Submit the Pre-Health File Checklist.
- Complete and submit the Pre-Health File Checklist.
- When you have completed and submitted your Pre-Health Flie Checklist, you will be informed of the status of your Pre-Health File once your checklist has been reviewed and verified.

STEP 1 AND STEP 2 must be completed as soon as possible. Hunter seniors cannot open a Pre-Health File in order to receive a Committee Letter.
The Pre-Health File must be opened while you are a current Pre-Health student at Hunter College. Hunter Alumni cannot open a Pre-Health File.
Please visit the Pre-Health Timeline for more information on expected milestones in the Pre-Health Program.