Transfer Students
Join the Pre-Health Listserv. Enter your full name and Hunter College Email and click Subscribe. By subscribing to our Pre-Health Listserv you will receive all emails from the Pre-Health Office.
Step 1: To apply to the Pre-Health Program, you must complete the requirements below:
- Register for and attend the Pre-Health Transfer Student Orientation.
- Register for and attend ALL the Pre-Health Professions Advising Pathway (PPAP) 1000 : Building Your Pre-Health Credentials Portfolio seminars. The PPAP 1000 seminar series assists you in being a strong candidate for the health professions. The PPAP 1000 seminars are offered each fall and spring semester on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 2:20 to 3:50 pm.
- Here is a list of the PPAP 1000 seminars:
- Pre-Health Planning 101
- STEM Study Skills for Pre-Health Students
- Resume Writing 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Networking 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Professionalism 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Stress Management for Pre-Health Students
- Time Management for Pre-Health Students
- Clinical Exposure 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Community Service Volunteering for Pre-Health Students
- How to Pursue Research Opportunities for Pre-Health Students
- Effective Communication for Pre-Health Students
- Interviewing 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Mentoring 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Overcoming Procrastination for Pre-Health Students
- Prestigious Scholarships 101 for Pre-Health Students
- Study Abroad 101 for Pre-Health Students
- How to Remember What You Learned
- Building Resilience 101 for Pre-Health Students: Skills for Personal
and Academic Success - Quantitative Analysis and Reasoning Skills for Pre-Health Students
- Letters of Recommendation: Everything You Need to Know
- Everything You Need to Know about Being a Pre-Health Student
- …And more
- You are responsible for keeping a record of the names of all PPAP 1000 seminars you attended and the dates you attended them.
- After attending the last PPAP 1000 seminar—Everything You Need to Know about Being a Pre-Health Student—you will receive your Pre-Health Contract, Pre-Health Program Application and your Pre-Health ID Number.
- Promptly submit your Pre-Health Contract.
- Promptly submit your Pre-Health Program Application before your Pre-Health ID expires.

Step 2: To open your Pre-Health File, complete the requirements below:
- Complete a minimum of 9 science credits at Hunter (if you have a minimum of 12 science credits at the previous institution) or 12 science credits (e-Permit courses are not considered)
- Attain a minimum 3.3 GPA cumulative and BCP (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
- Click this link for instructions on How to Submit the Pre-Health File Checklist.
- Complete and submit the Pre-Health File Checklist.
- Make an appointment with Susan Parker to open your Pre-Health File.

STEP 1 AND STEP 2 must be completed as soon as possible. Hunter seniors cannot open a Pre-Health File in order to receive a Committee Letter.
The Pre-Health File must be opened while you are a current Pre-Health student at Hunter College. Hunter Alumni cannot open a Pre-Health File.
Please visit the Pre-Health Timeline for more information on expected milestones in the Pre-Health Program.