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You are here: Home Central Reservations and Events Student Club/Undergraduate Student Government Reservation

Student Club/Undergraduate Student Government Reservation

Please review the steps in order to submit a request.

Central Reservations and Events Space Availability Policy

Central Reservations and Events receives information on space availability from the Registrar’s Office for each semester approximately three weeks after the semester begins. All event spaces, including classrooms and auditoriums, are primarily designated for academic use, and availability is subject to limitations. Classroom/Lecture Hall space are mostly available during Community Hours, Friday's after 4 PM, and on the weekends. If you wish to check to see if the space you are requesting is available, please email

Semester Availability Timelines:

  • Fall Semester: Availability can be checked around the third week of September. The semester begins at the end of August.
  • Spring Semester: Availability can be checked around the third week of February. The semester begins at the end of January.

For information spaces Central Reservations books and the minimum request period, please click here.

Central Reservations does not manage the following spaces: the FDA Faculty Lounge, the Library meeting spaces except for the Hemmerdinger, the East Building meeting spaces, the Dance Studios, Performing Arts spaces - Lang Hall, Brecher Hall, Two-Piano Studio, The Kaye Playhouse, The Baker Building, Chanin, and the FDA Faculty Lounge. Contact USG for spaces on the first thee floors of Thomas Hunter.

Submit Request

Submit Your Request Online:

Receipt of Request:

Once you submit your request, you will receive an email confirmation of your request. Please review the information submitted, if you made a mistake you may email Your request will first be reviewed by the office of student activities for approval which takes two business days, if you do not receive an email after two business days email (Office of Student Activities). Once approved, it gets sent to Central Reservations to work on it, which takes 1-2 business days.


  • Classrooms- You will receive ane email once your request is completed.
  • Larger spaces - You will receive a Booking Acknowledgment that will require signatures from various deparments. The Student Club member collecting the signature must know all details regarding their event. Once the form is completed you must return it to Central Reservations for them to confirm your event.


Additional Information After Your Confirmation

  • For Student Groups to submit work orders please click here: Submit Work Order
  • Visitors: Request for vendor services or visitors should be sent to the Visitor’s Center ( at least 48 hours prior to arriving on campus. Please provide names and email addresses of each visitor.
  • Borrowing available equipment from Audio Visual Department is free of charge. If you need a tech for your event and extensive set-up, it is 50/hr. with a 5-hour minimum.
  • There may be additional charges for Public Safety, Cleaning/Facilities, and Event Host.

If you have any questions, please contact Central Reservations at email:

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NY, NY 10065