María Hernández-Ojeda
María Hernández-Ojeda, Associate Professor, PhD, Florida State University.
RESEARCH INTERESTS: As a researcher of Spanish (Pen)insular and Transatlantic literature, I examine texts that question concepts of essentialism and fixed national identities within the Atlantic geopolitical locus. I am particularly interested in the literary, historical and cultural relationship between The Canary Islands and Latin America. My current projects deal with a number of anarchist and feminist women authors who have contributed to the construction of the national discourse both in Spain and Latin America during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Canarias, Cuba y Francia: Los exilios literarios de Nivaria Tejera. Madrid: Editorial Torremozas, 2012.
Insularidad narrativa en la obra de Nivaria Tejera: Un archipiélago transatlántico Madrid: Verbum, 2009. (Click here for book reviews).
“El espíritu del río: una novela transatlántica,” Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos (58). Cabildo de Gran Canaria, 2012, 645-677.
"Nivaria Tejera” Passages et Ancrages: Dicctionare des écrivaines migrants de langue française (1981-2011). Paris: Honoré Champio Éditeur, 2012. 811-13.
“Imágenes atlánticas: Humor y adversidad en la literatura canaria de viaje” submitted for publication to At Whom Are We Laughing? Humor in Romance Language Literatures, Hofstra University.
The Four Free Walls of Paris: Nivaria Tejera’s Exiles in Espero la noche para soñarte, Revolución.Voices from the Margins: Female Exiles in 20th and 21stCentury Europe. Ed. Maureen Tobin Stanley and Gesa Zinn. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, September 2007. 224-245.
“Espacios de resistencia: la literatura canaria en un contexto transatlántico” Memoria del Coloquio Internacional de Literatura Mexicana Hispanoamericana. Sonora: Universidad de Sonora (2007): 111-118..
“Una escritura sin márgenes”, Encuentro de la cultura cubana 39 (2006): 35-39
“La escritura transterior de Nivaria Tejera” Memoria del Coloquio Internacional de Literatura Mexicana e Hispanoamericana. Sonora: Universidad de Sonora, 2005: 227-233
"Las islas de Nivaria Tejera: Un archipiélago trasatlántico" Ínsula 695 (2004): 21-24.
Entrevista a Nivaria Tejera: El viaje literario de una mujer entre islas, Hispamérica 97 (2004):21-24.
Textos transatlánticos: Nivaria Tejera y Dulce María Loynaz en Canarias, Gaceta de Cuba 1 (2004): 30-32
Tejera, Nivaria. The Ravine. Trans. Carol Maier. Review: Literature and Arts of the Americas. no. 81, (2010): 266-7. Click HERE to read book review.
“Virgil Suárez: Lazarito & the Habanero Chilis.@ Co-translated with Juan Carlos Galeano, El Tiempo, January 18, 1998, Colombia Sunday Edition: 10.
“Virgil Suárez: Leo,Lazarito & the Habanero Chilis. Co-translated with Juan Carlos Galeano, Ulrika 26 (1998): 46
Institute Organizer, Latino Identity in New York, held at Hunter College, July 9th-31st, 2011. This seminar is funded entirely by a National Endowment for the Humanities grant. It will bring a group of distinguished faculty and writers to discuss Latino identity with 25 selected participants from around the US.
Conference Organizer, Cuba, France and The Canary Islands: Nivaria Tejera’s Literary Exiles, organized at Hunter College and the Cervantes Institute in March 7-8, 2008. This project consisted of a two-day conference that gathered national and international scholars to discuss the literary works by Cuban writer Nivaria Tejera and her significance in the Hispanic literary world. Funded by the New York Council For the Humanities Grant and Hunter College.
Invited Speaker
"Revolutionary Women Writers: Anarchist Representations of Latin America in the Early 20th Century" to be presented at the New York Public Library, Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, New York (June 2011)
“Reescribir el Atlántico: Las escritoras del cruce Canarias-América”at Baruch College. Co-sponsored by The Feit Lecture Series and the Cuban Cultural Center of New York (March 2011).
“Cruces Ideológicos Entre Canarias y Costa Rica a Principios del Siglo XX” presented at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain (November 2010)
Lectures and Conference Presentations
A series of lectures on several Latino and Latin American texts by Ed Vega, J.L Gonzalez, Carmen Boullosa, Julia Alvarez, Junot Diaz and Reinaldo Arenas. To be presented during NEH Summer Institute (July 2011).
“Transatlantic Ties between Cuba and the Canary Islands,” co-presented with Professor Germán Santana Pérez from the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria at The Bildner Center’s Cuba Project, CUNY Graduate Center (October 2010)
"Social Anarchism in Transatlantic Author Juana Fernandez Ferraz" presented at the Xoán González Millan Seminar, Department of Romance Languages, Hunter College (April 2010).
Fronteras atlánticas: Memorias isleñas en las escritoras canario-americanas, presented at the AILCFH XIX Annual Congress, Quito, Ecuador (October 2009)
Session Organizer and Chair: “Identidades isleñas: Discursos de humor en la literatura de las Islas Canarias” held at the Humor in Romance Language Literatures Conference, Hofstra University (April 2008).
“Imágenes atlánticas: Humor y adversidad en la literatura canaria de viaje” presented at the Humor in Romance Language Literatures Conference, Hofstra University (April 2008).
Session Organizer and Chair: (Pen)ínsulas transatlánticas: Intersecciones literarias entre Cuba y España” held at the Latin A XXVII Latin American Studies Association in Montreal, Canadá (September 2007)
“Diálogos de nación: Cruces literarios entre Cuba y Canarias desde el S. XVII al XXI” presented at the Latin A XXVII Latin American Studies Association in Montreal, Canadá (September 2007)
“Resisting Utopia: The Literature of the Canary Islands beyond National Models” presented at the conference “Rethinking the Iberian Atlantic”, University of Liverpool, (April 20-22, 2006).
“Lorca y Bombal: Conexiones transatlánticas entre La última niebla y La casa de Bernarda Alba” presented at the XXVI Latin American Studies Association in San Juan, Puerto Rico (March 2006)
“Espacios de resistencia: la literatura canaria en un contexto transatlántico”, presented at XX Coloquio Internacional de Literatura Mexicana e Hispanoamericana. Universidad de Sonora/Arizona State University, Sonora, Mexico (November, 2005)
“Animales y dioses en la memoria africana: Intersecciones afrocanarias en el siglo XX” presented at the Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies 52nd Annual Meeting, Vanderbilt University, Nashville (April, 2005) Session Chair
“Sonámbulo del sol: un viaje sensorial por La Habana” presented at Latin American Studies Association, Las Vegas, Nevada (October, 2004)
“Drowning Texts, Resisting Islands: Cuban-Canarian Literature in Utopic/Heterotopic Spaces” presented at the Transatlantic Studies Association, Dundee University, Scotland (July, 2004)
“La primera novela de la Guerra Civil española en Canarias” presented at the Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Literature and Language XXIV. Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge (February, 2004)
“La escritura ‘transterior’ de Nivaria Tejera” presented at the XIX Coloquio Internacional de Literatura Mexicana e Hispanoamericana. Universidad de Sonora/Arizona State University, Sonora, Mexico (November, 2003)
“Los espacios liminares de una voz en el exilio: la narrativa de la escritora cubano-canaria Nivaria Tejera” presented at the 51 Congreso de Americanistas: Repensando las Américas en los umbrales del siglo XXI. Santiago de Chile (July, 2003)
“Fronteras tri-continentales: la literatura cubano-canaria” presented at the “Sixth Annual Gathering: Literature on the border” Texas A&M International University/ Casa de la Cultura de Nuevo Laredo (April, 2003)
“(Con)textos y a-isla-mientos canarios de dos autoras cubanas: Un verano en Tenerife de Dulce María Loynaz y El barranco de Nivaria Tejera” presented at Coloquio Internacional: Ciclos de vida, edades y generaciones de mujeres en la cultura latinoamericana y caribeña. Casa de las Américas, La Habana, Cuba (February, 2003)
“Cuestionando el canon: el aislamiento de la crítica hispana hacia la escritora Nivaria Tejera” presented at the Southeastern Council on Latin American Studies 49th Annual Meeting, Mobile, Alabama (February, 2002)
“Las novelistas españolas de fin de siglo”presented at La Chispa 1999: The Twentieth Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Languages and Literatures, Tulane University, New Orleans (September, 1999)
“La poesía de la escritora española contemporánea Margarita Merino” presented at the 21st Annual Conference on Film and Literature, Florida State University (January, 1996)
Conference collaborations
Project Collaborator, Between Three Continents: Rethinking Equatorial Guinea on the Fortieth Anniversary of its Independence from Spain, International Conference organized by Hofstra University, April 2009.
National Endowment for the Humanities Grant, Summer Institute Director “Latino Identity in NY” (2011)
Program for Cultural Cooperation between Spain’s Ministry of Culture and US Universities (2010)
Auxiliary Enterprises Corporation, Hunter College (2009-2010)
New York Council for the Humanities Grant (2007-2008)
Presidential Travel Grant (2005-6), (2007-8), (2009-2010)
PSC-CUNY Award (2004-5), (2005-6), (2007-8), (2008-2009), (2009-2010)
Abercrombie Conference Grant, Southwestern University (2003-04)
Graduate Studies Dissertation Research Grant, Florida State University, (2001)
Insular Government Grant for Graduate Studies, Gran Canaria, Spain (1996-97)
Hope College, Institute of European Studies, 1994-95
Grant for Undergraduate Studies, Ministry of Education, Spanish Government, (1989 to1994)
SPAN 756 Identity in The Latin American Essay (Graduate)
SPAN 704 Spanish Theater from XIX and XX c. (Graduate)
SPAN 791 Memory and Space in the Spanish Novel of the Democracy (Graduate)
SPAN 756 Contemporary Spanish Novel (Graduate)
SPAN 495: Independent Study: Contemporary Spanish Women Writers-Short Story
SPAN 370: Transatlantic Literature: The Canary Islands and The Americas
SPAN 368 Contemporary Latin-American Narrative
SPAN 367 Latin American Essay
SPAN 358 Post-Civil War Spanish Literature
SPAN 355 Spanish Literature from Realism to WWI
SPAN 342 Introduction to Spanish Literature II, Literary Periods
SPAN 275 Readings in Modern Spanish Literature
SPN 264 (two courses) Contemporary Spanish Literature in Translation
SPN 264 (Honors course)Contemporary Spanish Literature in Translation
SPAN 208 Advanced Spanish for Native Speakers
SPAN 207 Intermediate Spanish for Native Speakers
SPAN 106 Introductory Spanish for Native Speakers
SPAN 105 (Early College) Introductory Spanish for Native Speakers
SPAN 102 (two courses) Introductory Spanish II