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Roosevelt House Certificates


Public Policy Program

Hunter College students, including Roosevelt Scholars, may pursue either an 18-credit minor or a 27-credit certificate through Roosevelt House's Public Policy Program. Its newsfeed is known as P-cubed.

The P-cubed community is based on the understanding that informed citizens are essential to a healthy democracy and that an appreciation for public policy is an important aspect of a liberal arts education. Designed to engage students from a diversity of majors, P-cubed provides students with the knowledge and skills that enable them to be active participants in a democratic society. In addition to academic training, P-cubed offers opportunities to move beyond dialogue to action, both within and beyond the Hunter community.

For more information about the Public Policy Program, visit


Human Rights Program

Hunter College students, including Roosevelt Scholars, may pursue either a 15-credit minor or 24-credit certificate in Human Rights through Roosevelt House’s Public Policy Institute at Hunter College.

Hunter’s Human Rights Program aims to give students the tools they need to address human rights problems intelligently and constructively, whether as advocates, scholars, researchers or informed citizens. Via academic study and hands-on experience, students will explore both the theoretical and practical underpinnings of current human rights debates.

For more information about the Human Rights Program, visit


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