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General Education Requirements Appeals

Students seeking to appeal for substitutions to or exemptions from any general education requirement must begin by filing an appeal with the General Education Requirements Appeals Committee of the Hunter College Senate. Students who follow the Hunter Core (adopted Fall 2013) may file appeals regarding the CUNY Common Core or the Hunter Focus (Foreign Language, Concentrated Study, or Pluralism and Diversity). Students who follow the General Education Requirement or Distribution Requirement may also appeal to this committee and should see this document. Appeals must be filed in accordance with the following procedures:


  1. The student must submit a complete application for appeal. Incomplete applications will be returned to the student without consideration by the appeals committee. This action will not be regarded as a denial of the appeal. The appeals committee may request additional documentation in support of an appeal. Students must respond to such requests within 30 days or reapply with a complete application.
  2. The student must present clear evidence that deviation from the prescribed program in the catalog is necessary and reasonable, and that any proposed substitutions adequately meet the academic objectives of the requirement.
  3. Appeals for experimental courses completed at Hunter College but not yet approved by the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee as fulfilling a general education requirement must be supported with a class action letter from the department or program that offered the course. Such appeals will only be considered for Pluralism and Diversity or for the Hunter Focus—not for the CUNY Common Core.
  4. The student must present clear evidence that a course transferred from another college or university fulfills the academic objectives of the requirement. Petitions for satisfaction of CUNY Common Core Requirements must include indication of which learning outcomes were met in the course and how they were met. These Learning Outcomes are indicated on the form.
  5. The appeals committee will respond to requests on or about the 15th and the 30th of each month during the spring and fall semesters when Hunter College classes are in session. The committee does not review appeals for currently enrolled students between June 1 and September 1 of the same year. Incoming transfer students may file appeals outside of these times.

Special Appeals
For other appeals for deviations or exemptions from other academic requirements or policies, students should first confer with the Office of Academic Advising prior to submitting an appeal. Special appeals include appeals to follow the General Education Requirement (GER), effective Fall 2001-Spring 2013, and the Distribution Requirement, effective Fall 1986-Spring 2001, rather than the Hunter Core.

Go to the appeal application for the Hunter Core Requirement.

Notice! There are no appeals for Writing Intensive-'W' designated-courses. All 'W' courses must be completed at Hunter College. Note that not all sections of a course are necessarily offered with significant writing every semester. The 'W' designated courses (or specific sections thereof) for a particular semester are listed in the Schedule of Classes each semester. To satisfy a writing requirement, a particular section must be designated as 'W'.

Please email for more questions.

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