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Resolutions that passed the Hunter College Senate since it was established in 1971 until Present

Below is a chart containing relevant resolutions and reports brought to the Senate since its first meeting on March 14, 1971.

Please note that this page is still being developed.

Administrative Committee


Resolution on Hunter College Policy on Incomplete Minor, Second Majors and Certificates - link it to 5/13/2020 Minutes 


Resolution for Consideration by the Senate on the Governance of Programs and Interdisciplinary Structures - link to 2/19/2020 Minutes 


Resolution for Consideration by the Senate on the Governance of Programs and Interdisciplinary Structures 


Resolution to acknowledge Dana Reimer's service to Hunter College

Whereas, Dana Reimer has served as Assistant to Chair in the Department of Geography for 14 years
And whereas, Dana has served on the HEO Forum Steering Committee for 6 years, serving as Secretary for 2 years and Chair for one year
And whereas, Dana has served on the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom for 10 years 
And whereas, Dana has served on the Senate Administrative Committee as Secretary for 3 years, the first HEO to do so, 

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate heartily thanks Dana Reimer for her long and dedicated service to Hunter College.


Resolution to Establish the Hunter College Program in Public Policy

RESOLVED, that effective July 1, 2019, the Hunter College Program in Public Policy shall be established. 

Resolution on Hunter Focus Culture Courses

Be it resolved that students who need only three credits to complete the Hunter Focus after fulfilling the Foreign Language requirement - and do not also complete a second major, minor, or certificate program - shall use a course on a topic related to the language that was used for the Foreign Language requirement. This course may be in the target language or in English and must be at the 200 level or above. 

Be it further resolved that departments and programs shall submit all such courses for approval by the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee.

Be it further resolved that this change shall apply to students who matriculate in Fall 2019 and after.

Be it further resolved that the waiver of these three credits previously passed by the Senate shall remain in effect for all students who matriculated prior to Fall 2019.

Resolution on CUNY 4+1 Bachelor's/Master's Program

Be it resolved that Hunter College asserts by that it is adopting the CUNY 4+1 Bachelor's/Master's Program and that individual departments may join the programs. 

Resolution to Accept the IETLS Exam

Be it resolved that Hunter College will accept the following exams as proof of English Language proficiency as one of the graduate admissions requirements for international students:  International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), and Pearson Test of English (PTE).  Departments will be given the option of using any of those exams.  

WU Policy and Revised Catalog Language 

Resolution of the Hunter College Senate of the City University of New York concerning New York State Funding for FY 2019-2020  

Resolution on International Students Taking Online Courses

Be it Resolved that the following language be added to the catalog under International Admissions: "Current federal regulations do not allow international students with F-1 or J-1 visas to take more than three (3) credits of online instruction per semester. Such students must take all other credits in person and are therefore ineligible for Hunter College programs which require more than three credits per semester of online courses."

Credit/No Credit Revised Policy 

By-Laws for Department of Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies and By-Laws for Department of Urban Policy and Planning. 


Resolution Three from The Resolution on the Establishment of Honors Courses and Honors Course Sections in Departments and Programs

Be it resolved that the undergraduate catalog provide complete descriptions and explanations of the various honors options at Hunter, with links to specific pages describing them.

Be it further resolved that Provost's Office, in consultation with the college Senate, establish and maintain a single "Honors options at Hunter" website. 


Resolution Naming the Hunter College Senate Chair the Hunter College Transfer Appeals Officer 

Be it resolved that the Hunter College Senate Chair shall serve as the Hunter College Transfer Appeals Officer for the college and shall decide on student appeals related to the transfer of credits from other institutions.
Be it further resolved that the Transfer Appeals Officer shall consult with other officers of the college and Senate Committee Chairs when the Transfer Appeals Officer deems such consultation necessary to make an informed and just decision, and refer appeals to the Senate Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee when necessary.  

Addendum to the Statement of Institutional Learning Outcomes

Addendum: Computing and Technology Competencies 

Hunter College students will be able to use technological tools to undertake academic research, engage in creative activity, and/or manage data as is appropriate for their major course(s) of study.


Academic Excellence Fee for Graduate Integrated Program in Nutrition and Dietetics (IPND) 

Resolved that the Board of Trustees of the City University of New York approve the academic excellence fees for students in the graduate IPND program in the School of Urban Public Health at Hunter College. The academic excellence fee would be applied to the master's IPND program which prepares candidates for the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist credential, effective with the new students in the Fall 2019 semester as details below:

Masters of Science, Integrated Program in Nutrition and Dietetics.
Resident Full-time students: $150 per credit.
Resident Part-time students: $150 per credit.
Non-Resident students: $150 per credit.

12/12/2018 Procedures for Preparing and Submitting Proposals for College Approval

Resolution on Non-CCE Full-Time Lecturer Voting Rights 

Therefore, be it resolved that all academic departments should allow all full-time Lecturers, regardless of whether they have CCE or not, to vote for their Department Chair and their Departmental P&B Committee.


Resolution to Revise "Y" Grade Policy.
Be it resolved that the following language be added to the catalog under the description of the "Y" grade: "Y" grade implies a single, year-long course for which the student will receive the same grade in both semesters. This change should take effext beginning in Fall 2018.

5-2-2018 Resolution to Revise the Voting Procedures for Search Committee Nominees to Include Vote Count in Senate Minutes.
Be it therefore resolved That the Senate Administrative Committee revise the Voting Procedures for electing search committees to require the publication of Senate votes for Search Committees, including the official tallies (the numbers) of the vote counts for nominees for candidates for Search Committees, in the minutes of the meeting at which such votes were conducted, and in the preliminary form no later than the subsequent Senate meeting.
2-14-2018 Resolution Regarding Institutional Learning Outcomes
11-29-2017 Resolution on Credit by Exam
Be it resolved that the Classical and Oriental Studies Department be allowed to grant credit for the Jerusalem Examination.
10-25-2017 Resolution to Protect and Support DACA Students at Hunter
Be it resolved that the Hunter College Senate denounces the Trump administration's decision to rescind DACA, and
Be it further resolved that the Hunter College Senate reiterates its commitment to protecting and supporting students regardless of their immigration status as first stated in its "Resolution to make CUNY a Sanctuary University and Hunter College a Sanctuary Campus" approved on February 8, 2017, and
Be it finally resolved that the Hunter College Senate thanks the President, the Administration, and the foundation for its support of DACA students and requests that the Hunter College Administration develop a detailed plan (to be presented to the Senate) to implement the above referenced Senate Resolution (especially items 3, 4 and 7) and specifically, to the extent possible, to protect DACA students.
09-13-2017 Resolution to Extend the Select Committee on Honors
Be it resolved that the Select Committee on Honors shall be renewed until May 2018 and its charge extended. In addition to the charge approved on 23 October 2013, the Select Committee on Honors, in collaboration with the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee, shall be charged with defining the criteria for honors courses in relation to the institution's mission statement. The definition of honors courses will include a comparison with regular courses and how honors courses fit into departmental honors and the Macaulay Honors, Thomas Hunter Honors, and the cohorts' honors programs.

Resolution on Hunter Focus
I. The removal of the first level foreign language from the world cultures and global issues category.
Be it resolved that first level foreign language courses will no longer be used to satisfy the World Culture and Global Issues category. This policy is effective Fall 2017.   
II. Transfer students to change their foreign language
Be it resolved that transfer students are allowed to begin the study of a new language to fulfill the Hunter Focus for the number of credits prescribed by their transfer status.

04-05-2017 Be it resolved that the Administrative Committee of the Hunter College Senate expresses its sincere gratitude to all of the donors who have helped make the renovations of the Leon and Toby Cooperman Library a success. We are truly grateful for their generous gifts to Hunter College, which will allow countless students a more fulfilling educational experience.

Resolution to Establish an Ad-hoc Senate Committee on the Governance of Programs and Interdisciplinary Structures


RESOLVED that the structure of the Hunter College Senate Committee on General Education shall be altered so as to permit the election of Deputy Chair.


RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate, as the body responsible for the academic curriculum of the college, look into the issues described in the document via the Senate Administrative Committee, in consultation with the FDA, and report back to the Senate with recommendations if there are any.


BE IT RESOLVED that the Hunter College Senate calls on the Board of Trustees to immediately revisit the matter and clarify its directives with respect to effecting academic program changes by following its own adopted procedures and policies, which include respecting duly approved college governance plans and the processes and procedures defined on that basis; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board is called to reconsider its desired outcome with respect to the disposition of existing programs, many of which predate the existence of the CUNY School of Public Health and which may be sustainable independently through existing institutional structures; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board direct the Office of Academic Affairs to cease the hasty and ad hoc implementation of any plans that have been developed without the benefit of deliberation and public review; and, working through university and college governance structures to devise and submit for approval a sound plan for the future of the public health programs within CUNY

10-28-2015 RESOLVED that effective spring semester 2016, the Hunter College Department of Dance 159 shall be established in the School of Arts & Sciences as part of the Division of Humanities & Arts with all of the rights and responsibilities of a department at Hunter College.

RESOLVED that the Program in Human Rights is approved to function as a self-governing academic unit.


BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, the Senate Administrative Committee recommends the process described above as a one-time modified procedure for identifying a candidate for the position of Provost. This recommendation is limited to the particular case. The Administrative Committee believes this action is in the best interest of the college. *discussed but not voted on. 


RESOLVED, the structure of the Hunter College Senate Committee on Academic Assessment & Evaluation shall be altered so as to permit the election of Deputy Chairs. Deputy Chairs shall be any voting member of the committee. The structure of the committee shall also include a HEO representative and a HEO Alternate.


RESOLVED, the structure of the Hunter College Senate curriculum committees, including Undergraduate Course of Study and Graduate Course of Study and Academic Requirements Committee, shall be altered so as to permit the election of Deputy Chairs.


RESOLVED, Senate meetings shall be open to all members of the Hunter community at 68th Street and at designated Hunter College campus satellite locations using two-way video or audio connections. Senators attending meetings at satellite locations, after following the check-in procedures, shall enjoy all of the rights and responsibilities of those physically attending the meeting at the campus at 68th Street and Lexington Avenue, including but not limited to: obtaining the floor, submitting motions, participating in debate and discussion, and voting.


RESOLVED, that effective February 1, 2014, the Hunter College Department of Women and Gender Studies shall be established in the School of Arts & Sciences as part of the Division of Social Sciences with all of the rights and responsibilities of a department.

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate establishes a Select Committee on the First Year Experience Student Success.

BE IT RESOLVED, that a Select Committee on Honors is established with a composition such as that defined below. The committee shall be charged with collecting and analyzing relevant institutional and program data, including the nature and variety of honors programs available to Hunter students, their standards and policies, teaching and financial resources required, program assessment criteria, and student outcomes. The committee shall collaborate with relevant College units, hold open meetings for community comment and input, make periodic reports to the body, and deliver a final report no later than May 2016, at which time the charge of the committee may be renewed.


The Hunter-L Revised Guidelines and Protocols were adopted without dissent.


RESOLVED, that effective July 1, 2013, the Hunter College Program in Human Biology shall be established in the School of Arts & Sciences.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that all Senate seats that are vacant or unofficially resigned be temporarily reallocated – after due notice has been sent to the affected departments, offices, and individual representatives – for the remainder of the 2012-2013 academic year, until the Charter Review Committee can take up, as part of the extensive review scheduled for late Spring 2013, the matters of the composition of the Senate and a permanent rule on reallocation of seats as necessary.


RESOLVED, that effective July 1, 2013, the Hunter College Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences shall be established in the School of Arts & Sciences as part of the Division of Math and Sciences with all of the rights and responsibilities of a department and shall house the Medical Laboratory Sciences Program formerly located in the School of Health Sciences.

RESOLVED, that any inconsistent provisions of the resolutions of this Board of June 17, 1974 and June 23, 1997, be superseded.


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate expresses its deep concern for all members of the community affected by this event, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Senate and its committees affirm their commitment to supporting all students in completing their courses, and that the Senate will do everything within its authority to facilitate student academic progress.

RESOLVED, that the CUNY Institute for Computer Simulation, Stochastic Modeling, and Optimization be established at Hunter College in accordance with the Policy Guidelines on Research Centers and Institutes set forth by the Board of Trustees.

09-21-2011 RESOLVED, that the CUNY Insitute for Education Policy be established at Roosevelt House, Hunter College, in accordance with the Policy Guidelines on Research Centers and Institutions set forth by the Board of Trustees, 
11-10-2010 Resolution Establishing a new Standing Committee on General Education
03-10-2010 Approved variance from Search Procedures for Search Committee for Dean of School of Nursing
02-24-2010 Resolution Establishing a new Standing Committee on Academic Assessment and Evaluation
04-22-2009 Establishment of Select Committee on Strategic Planning as a Sub-Committee of the Master Plan Committee
02-18-2009 Voting Crisis: Letter to CUNY Chancellor Schaffer
12-17-2008 White Paper: The Hunter College Senate and the Definition of Voting Majority
12-03-2008 Approved statement by Chair regarding NY Construction Law and Open Meeting Law. 
10-29-2008 Approved Special Search Waiver Request for Chief Operating Officer
09-10-2008 RESOLVED, that all courses given under the experimental special topics rubric, sponsored or otherwise, must be approved by departmental curriculum committees before they are offered. 

Resolutions Establishing a Special Advisory Committee on Academic Functions at the Roosevelt House of Public Policy Institute (RHAC)

04-06-2005 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate finds President Raab's Report on the Restructuring of the School of Arts & Sciences to the Hunter College Senate unacceptable. 
10-13-2004 Report by the Chair: “Respecting Governance at Hunter College” accepted. 
02-11-2004 Resolution Establishing Select Committee on Academic Integrity
02-11-2004 Resolution Establishing Special Advisory Committee on the Structure of the School of Arts & Sciences
02-11-2004 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate opposes the adoption of the CUNY Proposal Concerning Permit Course Grades & GPA that will change the grading policies of the College.  
11-05-2003 Resolution Establishing Select Committee on First Year Experience
04-15-2003 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate oppose the cut in base funding to the City University of $81.7 million, as well as the proposed cut in funding if the Tuition Assistance Program, the proposed cut in funding for the SEEK Program, proposed cuts to new faculty funding and the proposed cuts in funding for the childcare in the budget for the Department of Family Assistance in the proposed 2003-2004 Executive Budget
02-14-2001 Adopted Resolution expressing no confidence in the CUNY Board of Trustees
12-13-2000 Approved merger of the Graduate Course of Study Committee and Graduate Academic Requirements Committee, will be called the Graduate Couse of Study and Academic Requirements Committee 
09-13-2000 Resolution Establishing a Special Committee on the Hunter Honors Scholars Program
11-17-1999 Resolution Establishing Select Committee on Performance Measures & Outcomes Assessment
10-20-1999 Adopted Resolution Opposing Board of Trustee’s Articulation Resolution
12-02-1998 Resolution Establishing Select Committee on Student Life, Advising, and Retention
03-18-1998 Resolution reaffirming One-semester Remediation Policy
02-11-1998 Resolution Establishing Select Committee on Pluralism & Diversity Requirement

RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate urges the Administration to consult in advance with each department in whose discipline(s) Continuing Education classes will be offered in order to obtain the approval of the courses and faculty; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate authorizes no academic credit for courses offered by the continuing Education Program, and asks that the appropriate departments oversee evaluation of the Program’s instructors.  
04-16-1997 Approved the Reorganization of the Schools of Nursing and Health Sciences
12-11-1996 RESOLVED, that having expressed itself in opposition to the carrying of firearms by the security personnel on campus, the Hunter College Senate does not endorse the use of pepper spray on the campus, because of its potentially lethal or permanently injurious effects
12-06-1995 Resolution adopted concerning the 1995 Hunter College Affirmative Action Impact on Retrenchment Action. 
12-06-1995 Resolution on Elected Department Chairs adopted. 
10-25-1995 Resolution Establishing new Advisory Committee on Computing and Technology
02-13-1992 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate strongly endorses the 1981 Board of Trustee statement that “the University pledges diligently to safeguard the constitutional rights of freedom and expression, freedom of association, and open intellectual inquiry of the faculty, staff, and the students of the University”, and we call upon the Chancellor and Board of Trustees of CUNY to reaffirm it. 
09-23-1993 Adopted resolution concerning delay in adjunct pay. 
09-23-1993 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College senate communicate to the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor our desire that the Acting President be chosen from within the Hunter community
12-12-1990 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate condemns the recent acts of vandalism and threats in and outside of the History Department Office. We reject as destructive to the community any violent protest, physical or verbal. 
11-29-1989 Resolution Establishing a committee which shall review implementation of the new regulation concerning proficiency testing 
11-09-1988 Resolution Establishing Sub-committee to Review Procedures for Evaluation of Academic Administrators 
10-07-1987 Resolution Establishing Sub-Committee to Review the College Calendar
11-19-1986 Resolution Applauding those who helped create the Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights under the Hunter College Chapter of the Professional Staff Congress 
03-19-1986 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate condemns the activities of Accuracy in Academia, and reaffirms the principals of academic freedom in the college setting. The Hunter College Senate applauds the statements made by President Shalala and Chancellor Murphy in denouncing the purposes and activities of Accuracy in Academia. 
11-19-1980 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate reaffirm the principal that hiring, retention, promotion, and tenure decisions must originate in the department in which a faculty or staff member is to work. 
05-30-1972 RESOLVED, that whenever any member of the Administrative Committee is operating in official capacity at any meeting, he or she is obliged to report (1) the meeting; (2) the reason for the meeting; (3) the outcome of the meeting at the subsequent Senate meeting as part of the Administrative Committee Report.” 

RESOLVED, that any time the Administrative Committee is convened to a meeting of any administrator, committee, or college-wide body, it is to be reported on at the subsequent Senate meeting as part of the Administrative Committee Report.

Undergraduate Course of Study Committee


BE IT RESOLVED, that all Hunter students may be awarded credit for a first-semester foreign language course (level 101) without completing the second-semester course in the same language for one time (or once).

RESOLVED, alternative courses of study may be proposed for eligible students seeking to complete the foreign language proficiency requirement. All such courses shall be approved by Undergraduate Course of Study in accordance with procedures it defines.

05-07-2014 New policy approved regarding Course Numbering and Non-permanent Course
12-11-2013 Joint UCSC & GCSARC report regarding Procedures for Submitting Curriculum Proposals Accepted 
05-02-2012 Approved new Guidelines for Course Proposals by Units without Major, Minor, or Certificate Programs 
04-18-2012 Approved new Guidelines for Course Proposals under the new Common Core
04-21-2010 RESOLVED, that hybrid & online course responsibility rest with the departments to ensure content, curriculum, etc. is updated and it must be approved by department curriculum committee or comparable body.
05-20-2009 RESOLVED, that the credit limit for Winter Session courses be changed from 3 to 4 credits.
05-06-2009 Approved new wording for Major/Minor in the academic catalog.
04-01-2009 Approved Procedure for Implementing New Minor Policy.
03-10-2004 RESOLVED, that students who entered prior to Fall 2004 have the choice of to graduate under the Distribution Requirement of General Education Requirement.
05-14-2003 Revision to the General Education Requirement making Writing its own separate requirement.
03-23-1988 RESOLVED, that a one year moratorium will be placed on all Distribution Requirement proposal and that this will not affect current pending proposals.
05-07-1984 RESOLVED, that approved courses that are for the major cannot satisfy the Distribution Requirement and no more than two courses per department can be applied to the Distribution Requirement.
02-29-1984 Approved changes in Remedial/Developmental Course Credits
11-05-1980 Revised Guidelines for the Submission of Curriculum Proposals.
02-20-1980 Approved new alphabetical designations and status report regarding course level changes.
12-05-1976 Approved batch report with course number changes due to implementation of “Guidelines for College-wide Definition of Course Levels.”
11-23-1976 Approved Procedures for Implementing Curricula Revisions. 

Graduate Course of Study and Academic Requirements Committee

12-11-2013 Joint UCSC & GCSARC report regarding Procedures for Submitting Curriculum Proposals Accepted 

RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate approve the establishment of a “Y” grade for graduate level courses; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following be added to the section titled “Grades” on page 16 of the current Graduate Catalog: “Y = Year’s course of study—must continue to completion.”

05-02-2001 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate approve the establishment of an “SP” grade; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following wording be added under the heading “Grades” on page 12 of the current Graduate Catalog: SP= Satisfactory Progress – restricted to thesis and research courses requiring more than one semester for completion.
12-13-2006 Merger of the Graduate Course of Study and Graduate Academic Requirement Committees
03-27-1996 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate adopt a Plus/Minus Grading System for graduate courses, running from A+ through C, and retaining F for failing work.
11-06-1991 RESOLVED, that the Graduate Academic Requirement Committee be instructed to consider a Plus/Minus Grading System, taking into account procedures that exist elsewhere in the system, and subsequently report to the senate.
11-06-1991 RESOLVED, that the Graduate Academic Requirement Committee be instructed to consider a Plus/Minus Grading System, taking into account procedures that exist elsewhere in the system, and subsequently report to the senate.
11-06-1991 RESOLVED, that the Graduate Course of Study Committee shall, by November 1992 report to the Senate on efforts of each graduate program or school to incorporate issues relating to diversity and pluralism in the curriculum.
03-29-1989 RESOLVED, that effective for the Fall 1989 semester, the grade of AB (Absent) be abolished for the graduate level.

Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee

05-17-2017 Adopted Clarification of CR/NC Grade Policy
11-20-2013 Revised Course Repeat Rule passed by voice vote without dissent.
10-11-2006 RESOLVED, that all students who are readmitted to Hunter College after an absence of 10 or more years must adhere to the Undergraduate Catalog in effect at the time of their readmission, and in addition they are required to consult their major department concerning changes in course/degree requirements; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this policy be implemented for students readmitted beginning Fall 2007.
05-19-2004 Approved Two Resolutions re: Validity of the CPE, Administrative and Financial Aspects of the CPE, and Requesting Action by the UFS on the CPE.
05-05-2004 Adopted Clarification of Transfer Policy for Nondegree Students
03-03-2003 Approved Policy for Online Courses.
11-20-2002 Approved Academic Dishonesty Special “XF” grade.
04-03-2002 Approved Student choice to graduate under the GER or DR Option for Students matriculated prior to Fall 2001.
03-14-2001 Minimum GPA Requirement for Courses Designated for the Major.
12-13-2000 Approved Time Limit for Students to declare a major. 
03-22-2000 Approved limit on the number CR/NC option that students can use.
10-20-1999 Approved Modification of the Plus/Minus Grading System
05-12-1999 Approved requirement that SEEK Students on Probation can only take 6 credits.
03-24-1999 Revised Procedures for Withdrawing from Courses with W Grade.
03-24-1999 Change in Minimum GPA Requirement for Graduation with General College Honors.
05-20-1998 Students who do not pass the CUNY CMAT must enroll in MATH 020 and achieve CUNY Math proficiency while enrolled in course.
03-18-1998 Approved resolution reaffirming one-semester remediation policy.
12-11-1996 Joint UARC/UCSC resolution on one-semester remediation policy.
03-27-1996 Approved maximum number of credits that can be earned by outside examination increased from 24 to 30 and this revision be made to the appropriate section of Undergraduate Catalog. 
12-06-1995 In compliance with the Board of Trustees mandates on remediation the Hunter College Senate opted for the two-semester sequence.
05-10-1995 Approved College-wide Graduation Requirement in Quantitative Reasoning—Physical Sciences 001.
05-12-1993 Revised the CR/NC Grading System.
05-20-1992 Revised the Course Repeat Rule.
03-04-1992 Adopted Plus/Minus Grading System
05-08-1991 Students fulfilling the requirements for two separate majors is released from the requirement of a minor only if the minor is waived by both major departments.
03-11-1987 Support of the English Department’s request for a waiver from CUNY regulations which would allow the use of “R” grade for ENG 120.
03-27-1985 Hunter College Senate as the duly constituted governance organization urges the Board of Trustees to reject any proposal which interferes with the right and responsibility of each CUNY College to set and maintain its own academic standards for degree candidates.
10-19-1983 For courses in which “R” grade is permitted by the Board of Trustees regulations, a student may receive such a grade only once in a given course. More than one”R” may be permitted only upon the recommendation of the instructor and with the approval of the coordinator of the course and a committee of coordinators of such courses.
05-04-1983 Senate rescinds endorsement on the statement on remedial courses placed before it by the Administrative Committee on 4-20-83 and will reconsider the entire matter on the basis of a full report from UARC.
11-03-1982 All students matriculated for the B.A. degree at Hunter, including transfer students with A.A. or A.S. degrees, must satisfy the Hunter College Distribution Requirements. Matriculated students with AA or AS degree must fulfill the distribution requirements for the particular BS program.
04-09-1980 Grades of graduating students may not be changed after the expiration of regular deadlines for grade appeals.
04-09-1980 Students who are applying for admission to graduate programs that have Official Polices of converting CR/NC grades to letter or numerical grades the for use of computing GPA shall be permitted to request that the CR/NC grades be changed to Audit limited to a maximum of 6 credits and must be reviewed by an advisor.
04-09-1980 Remedial courses will be graded according to the standard system in effect in other college courses, with the exception to MATH 45,001 and Academic Skills Course 99 011, which will be graded CR, R, MC, or F.
12-05-1979 Endorsed Hunter College seeking Board approval for the 24 credit, High School Equivalency Program.
11-14-1978 RESOLVED, that when a student considers a WU grade to be unfair, he/she may appeal that grade up until the end of the sixth week* into the semester following receipt of the final grade, or three weeks after grades have been distributed, whichever is later.
05-02-1978 All students must have a minimum 2.0 GPA in courses designated for the major in order to be graduated
04-18-1978 All remedial course work will take precedence over all other work; therefore it shall be initiated when the student enters Hunter College and must be completed within the first 36 credits attempted. Student who fails to meet these requirements will be placed om probation and subject to dismissal
03-08-1977 Faculty members are allowed to submit grade changes from INC and ABS to the Registrar without approval by their department chair or dean, and must submit a copy to the department office
03-08-1977 Students in the Women’s Studies Program are exempt from completing the requirements for a minor, since they are obligated to fulfill the requirements of a double major.·
03-08-1977 Approved when a repeated course grade is the same as before (D or less) only one grade will be used for computation of the GPA.
02-25-1975 Revised the requirement for all Hunter College students to exhibit proficiency in mathematics
03-26-1974 CR and NC grades on students’ transcripts will be changed to letter grades. CR to “C” and NC to “F”.
05-22-1973 Students who have had college level math in a secondary school and passed the advanced placement test of the college entrance examination board with grades of 5, 4, or 3 are exempt from taking a corresponding course at Hunter.
04-10-1973 Approved course repeat option for students who have received a grade of D, F, or NC in a course.

Committee on the Budget

02-08-2017 RESOLVED, that The City University of New York adopt a schedule of academic excellence fees for students in the Masters of Science in Geoinformatics in the School of Arts and Sciences at Hunter College, effective Fall 2017

RESOLVED, that The City University of New York adopt a schedule of academic excellence fees for students in graduate programs in the School of Education at Hunter College, effective with the Spring 2016 semester for the following degrees: Masters of Arts, Masters of Science, and Advanced Certificates in Education. 


RESOLVED, that The City University of New York adopt a schedule of academic excellence fees for students in Master of Fine Arts program in the School of Arts and Sciences at Hunter College, effective Spring 2015.


RESOLVED, that The City University of New York adopt a schedule of academic excellence fees for students in the Pre-Health Professions Post-Baccalaureate Certificate program at the School of Arts and Sciences at Hunter College, effective with the Fall 2013 semester.

RESOLVED, that The City University of New York adopt a schedule of academic excellence fees for students in graduate programs in the School of Arts and Sciences at Hunter College, effective with the Spring 2013 semester.

RESOLVED, that The City University of New York adopt a schedule of academic excellence fees for students in graduate programs in the Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing at Hunter College, effective Spring 2013 semester.

RESOLVED, that The City University of New York adopt a schedule of academic excellence fees for students in graduate programs in the School of Education at Hunter College, effective with the Fall 2013 semester. 

10-19-2005 Approved Proposed Budget Master Plan Request Committee
02-23-2005 Approved Resolution on Tuition or Fee Increases and Procedural Principals
03-06-2002 Approved Resolution on Formula Funding for Hunter College
02-21-1991 Executive Summary of Senate Budget Committee’s recommendation to President does not represent the will of the Senate and are submitted to President without the endorsement of the Senate
05-01-1985 Approved Letter to Chancellor Murphy urging reconsideration and allocation of more lines to Hunter.
12-06-1976 RESOLVED, that no further cuts be made in direct classroom instructional costs, Library, Registrar’s Office, and the College Computer Center until the ratio between administrative and instructional costs is re-evaluated by this body and approved by it.

Committee on the Calendar

12-14-2005 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate approve the creation of Winter Session 2006 and three credit courses will be evaluated to ensure that they meet the standards for these courses approved. UCSC & GCSC will determine policies for course offerings in any future Winter Sessions.
05-02-1984 RESOLVED, that the senate charges its Calendar Committee to examine the summer session bell schedule along with their examination of the Calendar for the Fall and Spring term, and investigate other systems in order to determine which schedules best suits the needs of Hunter College.
04-11-1984 RESOLVED, that the issue of changing to a 4-day summer bell schedule be considered further, but that for this summer of 1984 the current schedule of 5-days be held in place.
12-07-1983 RESOLVED, that the current 13-week calendar be adopted for one more academic year, but further continuation of this calendar system be conditioned upon the findings of departmental self-studies.
10-10-1979 RESOLVED, that the present Special Committee on Registration and Procedures be dissolved, AND FUTHER RESOLVED, that the Standing Committee on the Calendar be assigned the responsibility to evaluate and if advisable recommend action on Registration Procedures.

Committee on the Library

05-20-2009 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate call on the President to follow the recommendations of the Library Task Force and instruct the Library Planner to bring members of the Library faculty and staff into the planning for the renovation of library facilities, including regular meetings with the firm of Rogers Marvell, the firm hired to produce a library plan.
12-10-1986 RESOLVED, that 1987 be declared the Year of the Hunter Library Staff.
05-06-1981 RESOLVED, that the Senate commend President Donna Shalala for her efforts to obtain sizable additional funding for the acquisition of materials that the library was not able to secure during these years when funds for new acquisitions were virtually frozen.
05-21-1980 Revised Guidelines for Faculty borrowing privileges at Library.
04-24-1979 Approved Guidelines for Faculty Borrowing Privileges at the Library

Grade Appeals Committee

05-04-2005 Amendment to Grade Appeals Procedures: RESOLVED, that the phrase “all proceedings are confidential” does not apply to information that is legally required or to information that is required to implement CUNY or Hunter College policies.
10-15-1980 RESOLVED, that he Hunter College Senate mandates its Grade Appeals Committee not to accept grade appeals in cases where a charge of academic dishonesty is pending.

Nominating Committee

10-11-2006 RESOLVED, that in conformity with the recent Charter amendments for Standing Committees of the Senate, student representation on the following committees be changed to 2 students and 2 student alternates: Nominating Committee, Select Committee on Performance Measures & Outcomes Assessment, Select Committee on the First Year Experience, and Select Committee on Academic Integrity.
05-04-1983 RESOLVED, that the Nominating Committee report in writing to the Senate as soon as possible the procedures it follows in preparing its lists of nominations so that the Senate may have the opportunity to evaluate and, if desirable, modify them.
02-25-1975 RESOLVED, that seats of faculty committee members who are on sabbatical leave be declared vacant.
03-12-1973 RESOLVED, that any member of the Hunter College Senate shall be responsible for notifying the Senate office if they vacate their seat by means of resignation from the Senate, sabbatical leave, withdrawal from courses, change of status, etc. At-large student vacancy elections will be run by the appropriate student government.
03-12-1973 RESOLVED, Senate committee chairs shall communicate with the Nominating Committee when excessive absences by any committee member impede the work of the committee.

Master Plan Committee

02-14-2007 RESOLVED, that the Hinter College Senate formally adopt the Report by the Master Plan Committee to the Hunter College Senate dated 13 December 2006 and the President’s Report to the Master Plan Committee Dated 1 December 2006.
02-24-1999 RESOLVED, that the major priority of the Master Plan be the expansion and renovation of space at the 68th Street Campus and the acquisition and construction of research and teaching lab facilities within walking distance of the 68th Street campus for the sciences.
11-05-1997 Hunter College Master Plan Amendment; Site and Campus Analysis
12-02-1981 Response to the University Faculty Senate’s “Outline of a Proposal for Effective Utilization of Faculty Resources,” and correction of UFS Minutes of the 105th Meeting.
03-19-1980 RESOLVED, that the Master Plan Committee survey all space allocation in the new and existing buildings and report to the Senate, making recommendations for policy action that it deems advisable.
05-01-1979 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate declares that graduate education must continue to be an intrinsic part of the educational experiences if Hunter College.
04-18-1978 RESOLVED, that the Provost become a one person committee, and that the report be returned to the Master Plan Committee, and that, after broader dissemination to the larger community and further more systematic discussion, the Committee report back to the Senate.

Committee on Evaluation of Teaching


RESOLVED, that the committee use the current academic year, 2015-2016, to collaborate with other Senate committees, sample students and faculty, and create recommendations for modifying the teacher evaluation instrument content

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEDthat the Committee recommends the development of an Evaluation of Teaching App for easy access to the teaching evaluation instrument on mobile devices, to increase the likelihood that all students will complete teaching evaluations in a timely manner at the end of each course.

05-06-2009 RESOLVED, that the evaluation summaries of each class (but not verbatim comments) be made available by ICIT online, subject to the user’s authentication via Hunter Net-Id.
05-18-2005 RESOLVED, that teacher evaluations shall be conducted for all summer courses. The evaluations shall use the same form as the evaluations given during the fall and spring semesters.
05-18-2005 RESOLVED, that teacher evaluations for asynchronous (on-line) courses be administered.
04-14-2004 Approved new proposal for the distribution of Teacher Evaluation Questionnaires.
11-11-1993 Resolution to commit to the Teacher Evaluations Committee the recommendation on the use of composite scoring for evaluations of instructor teaching.
02-27-1979 Adoption of the Pittsburgh instrument for the evaluation of teachers with some revisions in questions 3, 6, 14, 16, 20, and 23.
05-02-1978 RESOLVED, that original teacher evaluation materials be kept for a period of two years.
09-20-1977 RESOLVED, that the Senate instruct the Computer Center to distribute to the Regional Deans only those sections of the Teacher Evaluation printouts pertinent to their own divisions. Two copies of the departmental evaluations are to be sent to each Department Chairperson, one to be retained by the Department and the other to be used to furnish individual evaluations for each faculty member.
05-03-1977 RESOLVED, to extend the use of the present Questionnaire for one more semester.
02-15-1977 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate grant permission for the Fall 1976 teacher evaluations of individuals being so considered, to be processed ahead of the other faculty upon the request of that individual, Department, or Division.
02-24-1976 RESOLVED, that the Senate direct the Committee on Teacher Evaluations to proceed immediately to develop a new and more generally acceptable questionnaire to take effect in the Fall of 1976.

Committee on Computing & Technology

02-14-2007 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate strongly urges the College to implement the purchase of a content based web management system as soon as possible, but at least by September 2007 that would allow all appropriate departments and offices to add and subtract information on their own as they deem necessary
04-24-1996 RESOLVED, that the current Advisory Committee on Computing & Technology, as approved by the Senate on 25 October 1995, be established as a Standing Committee of the Senate.

Evening Council

11-30-1994 RESOLVED, that the ESC urges the Provost to collect data and study retention rates of evening students and urges the President to charge someone in the Provost’s Office with supervisory responsibilities for ensuring academic quality of evening programs and time completion of program of study for evening students.
02-27-1991 RESOLVED, that on an experimental basis for the academic year 1991-1992, Deans’ Hours be instituted from 5:30-7:00 PM on Wednesdays, with Monday/Wednesday evening bell schedule adjusted so that classes end thirty minutes later than in the current bell schedule.
05-09-1984 RESOLVED, that the Senate request the President to retain the title of Associate Dean for the Evening Session for this position.
03-11-1981 RESOLVED, that the President is requested to continue in formal communication and consultation with the Evening Session Council an d the Senate about all planning for Evening Session and for Returning Adults.
02-14-1978 Approved resolution on “Older” and returning students, non-matriculated “non-degree” students, and transfer of credits.

Committee on Academic Freedom


RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate subscribes to the principals in the University of Chicago Statement on Freedom of Expression.


BE IT RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate urge CUNY Central to disavow the 10/11/13 draft proposal of “The City University of New York Policy on Expressive Conduct”.

03-05-2008 Approved Procedures for Adjudicating and Academic Freedom Complaint.

Committee on General Education

05-17-2017 GER Resolutions Re: Hunter Focus Requirement *Resolution One Approved 12-07-2016.

RESOLVED, that students who have fulfilled the Foreign Language portion of the Focus and have only 3 more credits left to complete the Focus shall be automatically waived from taking those last 3 credits. This change to the Hunter Core Requirement shall apply to all students graduating before or during academic years 2015-16 and 2016-17.


Approved Report and Changes Re: The Hunter Core Requirement. Please see Appendix II of Minutes.

BE IT RESOLVED, Students may earn credits for the first-semester foreign language course (level 101) without completing the second course, only once.

04-13-2011 Approved Adoption of the Proposed CUNY Transfer Policy & Maintain Standards at the Senior Colleges.
05-19-2010 Approved Final Report on the GER Writing Requirement.
05-12-2010 Approved Revised Pluralism & Diversity Requirements.
03-04-2009 Approval of the minor being optional for all BA students & courses to fulfill a minor is determined by the department or program that offers the minor, or in the case of an interdisciplinary minor a committee of faculty members.
05-21-2008 Endorsed the recommendation of the creation of the Associate Dean for General Education position.

Committee on Services and Facilities

09-24-1979 RESOLVED, that the Senate Committee on Services and Facilities be charged to look into the problems of the new elevator system and report back to the Senate on this matter at the next meeting.

Committee on Academic Assessment & Evaluation


RESOLVED, Results of student learning outcomes assessment are used to help faculty, staff, departments, and programs make decisions about supporting and improving academic programs and services, providing resources, developing 39 institutional goals, and implementing strategies to achieve those goals. The results of  student learning outcomes assessment are not used for any punitive purpose against  individual faculty, staff, courses, or course sections, schools, departments, programs, or any member of the Hunter College community.

Select Committee on Academic Integrity

05-11-2005 Adoption of the Hunter College Policy on Academic Integrity and use of commercial and non-commercial resources to further academic integrity.

Departmental Governance Committee


Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Political Science

Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Economics

Approval of New Bylaws for the Department of Women & Gender Studies


Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of History

Approval of New Bylaws for the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology

11-19-2014 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Physical Therapy
10-08-2014 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the School of Nursing
05-15-2013 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Philosophy
04-27-2011 Approved Bylaws for School of Public Health
04-07-2010 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the School of Nursing
03-10-2010 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Political Science Department
12-13-2006 Approval of Revisded Bylaws for the Psychology Department
05-11-2005 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Film & Media Studies Department
10-23-2002 Approval of the Revised Model Departmental Bylaws
12-13-2000 Approval of Revised Bylaws of the School of Health Professions

Approval of Revised Bylaws for the School of Nursing

Approval of Revised Bylaws for the School of Health Sciences

11-19-1997 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Geography Department
05-18-1994 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Library
09-22-1993 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the German Department
03-14-1990 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
10-11-1989 Appoval of  Bylaws for the School of Health Sciences
03-29-1989 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Educational Foundations and Counseling Programs
05-04-1988 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Romance Languages
09-16-1987 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the English Department
02-29-1984 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Classical & Oriental Studies
11-17-1982 Approval of Revised Bylaws for Biological Sciences
11-03-1982 Approval of New Bylaws for the School of Nursing
05-26-1982 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Mathematical Sciences
05-06-1981 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Health & Physical Education
02-11-1981 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Curriculum & Teaching
10-22-1980 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Academic Skills
04-24-1979 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Philosophy Department
05-16-1978 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Communications Department
09-24-1974 Approval of Revised Bylaws for the Department of Health & Physical Education

Approval of the Revised Bylaws of the Department of Music

Approval of Revised Bylaws for the School of Nursing


Approval of the Revised Bylaws for teh Department of Theatre & Cinema

Approval of Revised Bylaws of Geology & Geography

10-30-1972 Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Academic Skills
10-30-1972 Approval of Bylaws for the Department of English

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Biological Sciences 

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Chemistry

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Classics

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Health & Physical Education

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Mathematics

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Philosophy


Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Music

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Anthropology

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Economics

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Nursing Education


Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Educational Foundations

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Geology & Geography

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Political Science

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Psychology


Approval of Model Departmental Bylaws

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of German

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of History

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Home Economics

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Business Education


Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Physics & Astronomy 

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Curriculum & Teaching

Approval of Bylaws for the School of Social Work

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Romance Languages

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Theatre & Cinema

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Urban Affairs

Approval of Bylaws for the Department of Communications

Select Committee on Honors


RESOLVED, that the Select Committee on Honors shall be renewed until May 2017 and its charge extended. In addition to the charge approved on 23 October 2013, the Select Committee on Honors, in collaboration with the Undergraduate Course of Study Committee, shall be charged with defining the criteria for honors courses in relation to the institution’s mission statement. The definition of honors courses will include a comparison with regular courses and how honors courses fit into departmental honors and the Macaulay Honors, Thomas Hunter Honors, and the cohorts’ honors programs.

Other Resolutions

02-22-2017 Resolution to Annex Title IX Awareness & Counseling and Wellness Services Statement to Academic Syllabi Template
02-08-2017 Resolution to Make CUNY a Sanctuary University and Hunter College a Sanctuary Campus

RESOLVED, that the Administrative Committee of the Senate be instructed to create an ad-hoc committee to create procedural guidelines for drafting the process of by-laws for the School of Arts & Sciences.


RESOLVED, the Hunter College Senate asks that any practical implementation of the Plan passed in Spring, 2014 be suspended until (1) by-laws are established for the School of Arts and Sciences, and (2) the implementation of the Plan is vetted and approved via the procedures established by such by-laws.


BE IT RESOLVED, for this to change, the CUNY administration should issue an unambiguous message that it respects the faculty’s right to vote on matters of curriculum—free from intimidation—according to their judgment of the best interests of their students and the standards of their profession; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Hunter College Senate, shall exercise our governance authority, guided by pedagogical judgment, regarding any proposed curricular changes at our college; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate reaffirms its commitment to faculty governance and the control of curriculum by the relevant departments, defending the genuine interests of students as well as faculty and staff against administrative intrusions that are antithetical to the norms and purposes of university life.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Department of English at Hunter College, CUNY reaffirms the basic principle of shared governance, and in particular the right of faculty to develop and change courses and curricula;

That the Department strongly condemns the actions of administrators at some CUNY colleges, most recently the Queensborough Community College Vice President for Academic Affairs, in their use of threats and intimidation as faculty exercise their academic judgment; 

That the Department will continue to participate in the Pathways project only insofar as it adheres 138 to the principles of academic rigor, support for student success, and respect for shared governance 139 that are central to the core mission of Hunter College and CUNY.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Hunter College Senate supports the Hunter College English Department and also reaffirms the basic principle of shared governance, and in particular the right of faculty to develop and change courses and  curricula. 


RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate oppose surveillance activities by the NYPD and affiliated agencies on CUNY campuses, either directly or through the use of informants, unless part OF a valid and specific criminal investigation.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call upon CUNY"s central administration to issue a public statement outlining its opposition to on-campus surveillance, based on the principle of academic freedom and a robust commitment to civil liberties, as well as to detail its knowledge of our involvement in this surveillance and information gatherings. 

12-14-2011 RESOLVED, that the Department of SEEK remain an academic department of the college and not just a program as currently is being proposed by Hunter administration. The SEEK Department includes the rename Percey E. Sutton SEEK Program. On December 1, 2001, the department voted unanimously to remain a department and transmitted that vote to the Provost's Office. The Hunter administration proposed resolution violates traditional principals of shared governance at Hunter College and CUNY"s Affirmative Action guidelines, and has an adverse impact on SEEK students, faculty, and staff. *failed

RESOLVED, that the Department of SEEK be abolished and the Percy Ellis Sutton Program of SEEK be established at Hunter College effective February 1, 2012. *failed

05-12-2010 Resolution Re: Establishment of the Hunter College School of Public Health as an independent School within Hunter College. 
05-06-2009 RESOLVED, that the Hunter College Senate is opposed to the imposition of limits on the length of service for departmental chairs from any agency outside of the Department itself. 
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