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Undergraduate Course of Study Committee
Oversight authority on all undergraduate curricular matters. It shall also concern itself through study and research with policies relating to the undergraduate curricular organizations. All proposals pertaining to:
- General Education Requirements
- New Majors
- New Minors
- Credit and Major or Minors concentrations
- Degree Requirements
- Interdisciplinary Program
- Experimental courses
Shall be submitted to the Undergradute Course of Study for action. Final decision on all curricular matters is to be made by the College Senate, except in cases where final authority is vested in the Undergradute Course of Study Committee by the Senate.
Designated Voting Members
- Chair(s)
- 1 Faculty members from each divisions
- 2 Faculty from the divisions serving At-large
- 3 Students
- 3 Student Alternates
- Chief of Academic Officer or designee
- Deans of the Divisions and/or School
- Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences
- Director of Evening Student Services
- Chief Librarian or designee
Current Membership
- Co-Chair Prof. Stefan Schlussman, Psychology
- Co-Chair Prof. Chris Mitchell, WGS
- Prof. Nadya Paterson, Classical & Oriental Studies
- Prof. Gabriela Smeureanu, Chemistry
- Prof. Anna Ortega-Williams, Social Work
- At-Large, Prof. Kenneth Mclaughlin, Economics
- Alternate, Sandra Clarkson, Mathematics & Statistics
- Alternate, Frederick Rogals, Classical & Oriental Studies
- Chief Academic Officer or Designee, Manoj Pardasani/Linda Beller
- Registrar, Burhan Siddiqui/Alicia Bragg/Shierley Pierre-Louis
- School of Arts & Sciences, Collin Craig/Melissa Torrella
- School of Education, Julie Gorlewski
- Office of Advisement, Aliya Frazier
- Chief Librarian, John Pell
- Chair of GER Committee, Prof. Jeff Allred
*subject to future ratification by the Nominating Committee and the Hunter College Senate