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GER Appeals Committee
The committee has been charged with revising its policies, procedures, and forms for receiving and considering these appeals, and is currently working on those revisions. (Note: Appeals for courses to be applied to major, minor, certificate, or other program or course of study requirements will continue to be handled by the most relevant academic department at Hunter College, and not by Senate committees.)
The GER Appeals Committee will receive and review the following:
- Appeals for credits to be applied to the Distribution Requirement or the General Education Requirement.
- Appeals for credits to be applied to the CUNY Common Core. These appeals will be assessed on the basis of satisfaction of the relevant learning outcomes as designated by area. The members of the GER Appeals Committee will work in subcommittees to make these assessments. Departmental advisers will not handle this sort of appeal, although they may give credit for GER equivalencies, as they deem appropriate.
- Transfer appeals, which arise when students transfer to Hunter, for credits for courses that have no Hunter equivalency.
Designated Voting Members
- 11 Faculty members from the School of Arts and Science
- 2 Student
- 2 Student Alternates
Ex-officio members
- 1 Staff member from the Office of Advising Services
Current membership
- Chair, Prof. Jennifer Gaboury, Women And Gender Studies
- Prof. Sandra Granizo Cruz, SEEK
- Prof. Laura Drake, Theatre
- Prof. Gabriela Smeureanu, Chemistry
- Prof. Virginia Gryta, Special Education
- Prof. Sandra Clarkson, Mathematics & Statistics
- Prof. Kelly Nims, English
- Prof. Robert Thompson, Mathematics and Statistics
- Prof. Robyn Marasco, Political Science
- Prof. Ellen McCabe, Nursing
- Prof. Chris Mitchell, WGS
- Student, Ishrat Jahan
*subject to future ratification by the Nominating Committee and the Hunter College Senate
Ex-officio, Erica Pearson, Advising