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Undergraduate Academic Requirements Committee
The formulation of policy regarding methods of grading, requirements of student attendance, regulations relating to withdrawal from courses, and admissions not specified by Board of Trustees By-laws.
Designated Voting Members
- 1 Faculty from each divisions and 2 Faculty from the divisions serving at-large.
- 3 Students
- 3 Students Alternates
Ex-officio members
- Dean of Students
- Chief Academic Officer or designee
- Assistant Dean for Advising and Counseling
- Director of Evening Student Services
- Registrar
Current memberships
- Prof. Kristen Grant, Chemistry, Chair
- Prof. Jason Young, Psychology
- Prof. Milagros Denis-Rosario, AFPRL
- Prof. Carmen Brown, Curriculum & Teaching
- Prof. Tara Heagele, Nursing
- School of Social Work, Prof. Bernadette Hadden
- At-large, Prof. Michelle Liu, Economic
- At-large, Prof. Ben Ortiz, Biology
- Alternate Prof. Sandra Clarkson, Mathematics & Statistics
- Student, Alya Shor
- Student, Althea Castro
- Student Alternate, Reily Sichon
- Student Alternate, Leon Zheng
- Student Alternate, Jason Yan
- Chief Academic Officer, or designee, Manoj Pardasani/Linda Beller
- Dean of Students or Designee, Mindy Forman
- Advising, Eliezer Perez Segura
- Representative from Student Services, Nicole Gordon
- Registar, Burhan Siddiqui/Denise Lucena-Jerez/Francisco Sandoval
*subject to future ratification by the Nominating Committee and the Hunter College Senate