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General Testing Rules



1) PHOTO IDENTIFICATION - Valid physical photo identification is required to test - driver license, passport or another form of government issued valid physical photo identification, are all acceptable forms of photo identification. Photo identification must be current. Original photo identification must be presented - photocopies, faxed copies and/or electronic/digital copies are not allowed.  If you are scheduled to take a non-CUNY/Hunter exam, acceptable valid identification is determined by the institution providing the exam.  Contact the institution providing the exam for all of the exam guidelines.

2) ELECTRONIC DEVICES - Only electronic devices permitted during the exam is to be turned on.  All other electronic devices containing an off and on option, including cellular phones, headsets and watches, are to be turned off and put away. Not permitted electronic devices containing an off and on option, including cellular phones and watches, are not allowed until the remote testing session has finished and are not allowed until you leave the Testing Center. Kindly be advised that personal calculators are not permitted for certain exams. What operating systems can students use to test remotely? Students can test remotely using MacOS or Windows operating system. Note, the following devices cannot be used for remote testing: Chromebook OS, iPad, Kindle, tablets and smartphones.  Smartphones are only used during the environment check process.  The College is offering laptops on loan to students. Kindly review the following link for further assistance:

A webcam, smartphone (for environment check only), mic and strong internet connection are required to test remotely.  The student's remote testing station should only include the testing device (with working mic and webcam), keyboard, mouse, scrap paper (if permitted), and writing instrument (if permitted).  (Calculators, scrap paper and pens/pencils are not permitted for the remote CRT).  Students may be permitted to use a basic drawing tablet.  However, it must first be approved during a Zoom Features Practice Session.  (Calculators, are not permitted for the in person CRT).

3) RESTROOM BREAKS - Students are advised to use the restroom before starting the exam. Upon exiting the exam, all testing material(s) must be submitted. The Office of AccessABILITY at Hunter College ( / PearsonVue / National League for Nursing or other related test vendor(s) may provide special waivers to this rule as needed. Documentation of waiver must be sent via email to at least two weeks prior to the exam.

4) QUIET, WELL LIT ROOM - No one, other than the student who is taking the exam, is allowed in the room used for testing.  If testing remotely, please make arrangements to help ensure a quiet, well lit testing environment.  Children are not allowed in the room(s) used for testing.  Please make other arrangements for children.  Furthermore, children are not allowed to be unsupervised in the Hunter College Testing Center.

5) PROCESS  - Based on the total number of students scheduled to test, students are asked to report well in advance of the exam start time with valid physical photo identification to conduct the sign-in process.  Students, who are late, will only be granted a five (5) minute grace period.  Students, who are more than five (5) minutes late, may be asked to reschedule the exam.  - Before the scheduled remote exam session, students should perform a system verification to confirm that all required electronic devices meet all the specifications required.  (Students can ensure their microphone and web cam works with ZOOM prior to the exam date by visiting  Students are to make sure that the permissions on their testing device are set to allow for screen sharing and remote control access.  A strong internet connection is required.  At the time of the exam, students will log in to the exam session via ZOOM app (the web version cannot be used for testing) on their testing device and smartphone and then wait to be assigned to a breakout room. Valid physical photo identification must be seen and verified by a proctor using the webcam. The proctor will remain in the zoom session for the duration of the exam.  If taking an exam in the Testing Center, after your valid physical photo identification has been seen and verified, you will be signed-in and directed to the examination room.  The proctor will then escort and assign you to your seat.  The proctor will remain in the testing room for the duration of the exam.

6) VIOLATION OF RULES - If a candidate violates the guidelines established by the Hunter College Testing Center, the professor or institution providing the exam, the incident will be reported for possible academic disciplinary action.  If testing in person, the candidate may be escorted out of the Testing Center by the Department of Public Safety.

7) SPECIAL TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS - Candidates who require testing accommodations for Hunter related exams should submit proof of their need for testing accommodations to the Office of AccessABILITY at Hunter College ( at least two weeks prior to the exam date. Requesting testing accommodations less than two weeks may require the exam to be rescheduled to ensure that the accommodations are met. If needed, also contact PearsonVue, The National League for Nursing, The College Board or other related test vendor(s) for further assistance.  Our office would like to urge you not to waive your right to accommodations under any circumstances.


Email the Testing Center at if you have any exam related questions.

Visit the Department of Public Safety at Hunter College for more information on our safe and secure environment.

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