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Events 2024-2025

Pre-Law events for the academic year are listed below. This page is updated throughout the term as new, upcoming events are added. Be sure to stay tuned to the Pre-Law listserv for announcements. Please note that for events with limited capacity, students MUST be registered with the Pre-Law Program in order to participate.

Summer • August • September • OctoberNovemberDecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMay 

Summer Session

LSAT Summer Initiative with Carolyn Nelson - IN PERSON Beginning June 11

Seats will be filled on an as available basis from eligible applicants. Students who completed the spring basic skills introduction have priority. A limited number of open seats are expected. This program is open only to Hunter degree seeking, matriculated students (seeking their first B.A.) AND Hunter alumni. Individuals must be registered with the Pre-Law Program.

  • The class meets on Tues/Thurs evenings on campus from 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Diagnostics to be completed by you on the weekend under test conditions

Summer Application & Personal Statement Workshop for FALL APPLICANTS for the CURRENT cycle. This two-part workshop series targets students applying to law school during the 2024-2025 cycle for entry into law school in fall 2025. The workshops repeat in subsequent sessions and are offered on various dates and times on a monthly basis - get an early start! You only need to attend the sessions one time. Please attend Parts I & II before scheduling your individual appointments to meet with the Pre-Law Advising Office one-on-one to help you develop and review your materials (we can meet throughout the summer and fall to discuss your work) in connection with your applications.

    • Part I Process Overview: Planning your strategy and knowing your priorities. Understand the timing of the cycle and target dates, individual components of the application, law school selection, and other strategies for success. Sample personal statements will be discussed. Please note that these statements are not models, but a lens to reflect on what makes for a strong essay, and what does not.
    • Part II Techniques Deep Dive: Putting it together. This session will provide more depth and additional insight into the various written components of the applicaiton: the personal statement, resume, diversity statement, addendum, supplemental essays and more. Specific issues, details, and tips will be highlighted.
    • Dates/Times: Sessions will be at 6:45 PM - 8:15 PM. 
      • May: Part I Wed 29, Part II Thurs 30
      • June: Part I Mon 24, Part II Tues 25
      • July: Part I Mon 22, Part II Wed 24
      • August: Part I Mon 19, Part II Wed 21

JD EDGE: Summer Hunter/AccessLex Introduction to the Law School Process - Starting June 10. Hunter is the ONLY undergraduate pilot for this program! JD Edge is a hybrid synchronous and asynchronous program designed by AccessLex to give students an understanding of the process and organization of law school. This is a self-paced program, that also includes several live sessions. At Hunter we will supplement the program with optional weekly Thursday meetings to discuss your questions. For those who wish to progress through the materials with the Hunter group, expect to cover about 3.5 hours of material a week. The materials taken together equal about 20 hours of programming. The program also includes some supplemental materials in addition to those noted below.

Be sure to register on the Access Lex website for AskEdna, indicating that you are a Pre-Law Student associated with Hunter College. That is where materials will be shared.

Optional weekly Hunter synchronous group discussions on Zoom on four (4) Thursdays from 6:30-7:15: June 20, July 11, July 25, August 8

  • Module One: Introduction to law school, time management, basic terminology, general structure of legal education
  • Module Two: Class preparation, engagement, and post-class strategies, case reading and briefing, the Socratic method, and rule synthesis
  • Module Three: Exam preparation, writing for law school exams, valuable study and memorization techniques, and the importance of taking practice exams.
  • Module Four: Preparing for law practice, with lessons on stress management, professional expectations, licensure, Character and Fitness, landing a first job, and the bar exam experience.


  • August 21, Wednesday (1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) Pre-Law Open House & Orientation: Introduction for all new Pre-Law students, at all levels. Hear about the many opportunities that the Hunter Pre-Law Program offers to students and meet the Pre-Law Advisor. Understand the path to law school, and become familiar with planning resources and strategies.
  • August 21 & 22 (6:45 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. each night) Application Workshop Part I and II. Please see notes above under summer programming for details. 
  • August 28, Wednesday (12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.) LSAC Account Walk-Through — An overview through the eye of a law school candidate. An LSAC Ambassador will discuss how to set up an LSAC account and provide students with a comprehensive presentation of all  the ways in which the account is used for a number of purposes. She will also familiarize students with LSAC's Credential Assembly Service (CAS), and demonstrate how the law school application process works. Recommended for 2025 and 2026 applicants.


  • Application & Personal Statement Workshop for FALL APPLICANTS for the CURRENT cycle. If possible, lease attend the workshops before scheduling your individual appointments to meet with the Pre-Law Advising Office one-on-one to help you develop and review your materials (we can meet several times) in connection with your applications. The two-part workshop repeats - you only need to attend the cycle one time.
    • Part I Comprehensive Overview: Understand the timing of the cycle and target dates, individual components of the application, law school selection, and other strategies for success. Sample personal statements will be discussed. Please note that these statements are not models, but a lens to reflect on what makes for a strong essay, and what does not.
    • Part II Techniques Deep Dive: We will discuss in more depth the process of putting together the materials: the personal statement, resume, diversity statement, addendum, supplemental essays and more. Specific issues and details will be highlighted with samples.
    • Dates/Times: All sessions take place on Zoom in the evenings (7:00 - 8:30 p.m.), on the days noted below.
      • September 24 & 27: Part I Tues 24, Part II Fri 27
      • October 23 & 29: Part I Wed 23 , Part II Tues 29
      • November 22 & 26: Part I Fri 22, Part II Tues 26
      • December 17 & 19: Part I Tues 17, Part II Thurs 19
  • September 3, Tuesday (2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.) Monthly Pre-Law Society Meeting - Debunking Myths about the Pre-Law Path. Room 602 A/B East (inside the library on the 6th floor). IN PERSON
  • September 6, Friday (4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.) Senior Group Advising.Register in advance for this Zoom meeting:
  • September 10, Tuesday (7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.) MAKE UP SESSION: Pre-Law Open House & Orientation: Introduction for all new Pre-Law students, at all levels. Did you miss our orientation session? Come hear about the many opportunities that the Hunter Pre-Law Program offers to students and meet the Pre-Law Advisor. Understand the path to law school, and become familiar with planning resources and strategies. Register in advance for this meeting:
  • September 17, Tuesday, (2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.) Panel on Trained Volunteer Advocacy Roles - REQUIRED for Freshmen & Sophomores for Good Standing in the Program. Hear about how you can have an impact on the community – while building your skills and your resume. Legal Hand, Catholic Charities (immigration), and the Medicare Rights Center will discuss the roles of volunteers in their organization, and the many issues that you can learn about by being involved. Room 602 A/B East (inside the library on the 6th floor). IN PERSON
  • September 18, Wednesday (6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.) Panel of Law School Officers on the Dos and Don'ts of the Application Process: Columbia, Fordham, Cardozo, Cornell. Law school admissions officers visit Hunter virtually to meet you, and to explain what you need to know to write a great application. Hear first-hand what the law schools are looking for, and have the chance to network with law school representatives from New York. This panel is especially useful for alumni and Seniors applying for the 2023-24 cycle, or those planning to apply next year (Juniors, that means you!). Register in advance for this Zoom meeting:
  • September 20, Friday (4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.) Junior Group AdvisingRegister in advance for this Zoom meeting:
  • September 24, Tuesday & September 27, Friday (7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. each evening) Application & Personal Statement Workshop for FALL APPLICANTS for the CURRENT cycle (description above). Part I Tues 24, Part II Friday 27. Register in advance for this Zoom meeting:
  • September 25, Wednesday (6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.) What Can I Do With a Law a Degree? Meet a panel of Hunter attorney alumni from with different areas of practice, and who work in various contexts. Understand the ways that legal work is similar - and also varies - across different settings. Recommended for all. Register in advance for this Zoom meeting:


  • October 1, Tuesday (2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.) Monthly Pre-Law Society Meeting: Small Claims Court Action Center training. Training to assist individuals preparing for small claims court. Understand the court process and routines. Room 602 A/B East (inside the library on the 6th floor). IN PERSON
  • Stay tuned for more!


  • Stay tuned


  • Stay tuned

January Intersession

  • Winter Intersession: Moot Court Class. Moot Court is a challenging one credit Intersession course that simulates the appellate court setting. Students become knowledgeable about existing legal controversies, prepare legal arguments, and present a case before a mock judicial panel. By learning to read cases and make oral arguments, students gain insight into court-based decision making, as well as the role of lawyers and judges within the process.

When: The class will meet for 6 evening sessions in January. Final arguments (for which you must be present) will be held thereafter on two different evenings.

Who: Registration for the course is by permission only from the Pre-Law Advising Office. Participation is capped at 12 students, and is competitive. Your chosen major is not important. What is important is that you are eager to study the art of argument.

Once you have been accepted into the course by the Pre-Law Office, the Political Science Department will give you permission to register. Recruitment for this course will open before Thanksgiving.


  • Stay tuned


  • Stay tuned


  • Stay tuned


  • Stay tuned
Document Actions

Contact us:
Room 712, East Building | t: (212) 772-4889 | e:

Pre-Law Advising website feedback: email us
695 Park Ave
NY, NY 10065