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Prepare and Register for the Math Placement Test

The exam will be conducted with a proctor.  Be sure to review our General Testing Rules page.


Note: If you score 276 or above on the ACCUPLACER Advanced Algebra and Functions (AAF) Placement Test and wish to enroll in any Level 2 Math Milestone course, you must also take the Calculus Readiness Test (CRT) and score 21 or above out of 30.  Be prepared to take the CRT on the same day as the AAF

If you do not wish to enroll in a Level 2 Math Milestone course, you do not need to take the CRT.

To help prepare for the ACCUPLACER Advanced Algebra and Functions (AAF) Placement Test, you can access the ACCUPLACER Study APP.

To help prepare for the Calculus Readiness Test (CRT), you can gauge your level of math mastery by taking the diagnostic quizzes on the Hunter Math Placement Test Prep website (you must sign into Blackboard before clicking this link):


We recommend that you take the time to prepare to test before taking the exam  Taking the time to prepare will help gauge where you would likely place. If you need a refresher, consider taking one of the free workshops below.


Free Refresher Online Workshops to Prepare for the Math Placement Test

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics provides free, online refresher workshops that cover the skills you need to have a chance to move up to the next milestone level on the math placement test. At any time before taking the math placement test (there are no do-overs), you can explore and enroll in the free online immersion workshops at the following links (you must sign into Blackboard before clicking any of these links):


How Do I Register for the Math Placement Test?

First time freshmen: Math Milestones will automatically be placed on your CUNYfirst account based on your high school transcripts. If you have reason to believe the Math Milestone does not reflect your background and history of achievements in mathematics (especially if you graduated from a high school where curricula may not follow standard NYC public school coursework), you can register here

Newly accepted transfer students: Transfer students, who have not transferred any college level mathematics credits equated to a Hunter College mathematics or statistics course (excluding Math 10000 and Math 10200), will need to take the math placement test if they intend to take any mathematics or statistics course other than Math 10000 and Math 10200.  Once your transferred courses have been evaluated at Hunter, and it has been determined that you need to take the math placement test, you can register here.  

NOTE: You should meet with an Academic Advisor to help determine which math/stat course(s) are needed to obtain your degree. 

Currently enrolled students and non-degree students: Non-degree students as well as students who are currently enrolled at Hunter College must register in advance to take the math placement test. Currently enrolled and/or non-degree students can register here.

All inquiries pertaining to testing at Hunter College may be addressed by sending an email to the Testing Center.









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