MFA Creative Writing
Fiction | Creative Nonfiction | Poetry

Who will teach you
MFA programs often have long lists of faculty: some who taught in the past, some who sometimes occasionally, some who are actually around. Maybe they will be there when you arrive, or maybe they won't be. You should really ask. If you listen closely to the answers, you will discover that the following promise is rare and precious: at Hunter, there are three teachers in Fiction, three in Poetry, and two in Creative Nonfiction. These are our faculty. The writers who will really teach you.
To meet them, click Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Nonfiction.
As to the running of the program, while it may be helpful to know that Adam Haslett is the Program Director, in most cases, the single most important person to consult is the Program Manager Mike Rizzo. Mike is a graduate of the program and hasn't forgotten how things work from a student's perspective. Please feel free to contact him with whatever questions you might have, whether academic, bureaucratic, artistic, or financial.