MFA Creative Writing
Fiction | Creative Nonfiction | Poetry

Welcome to the Open House(s)
You're on this page, we presume, because you're trying to find out what our deal is and how things work at Hunter. And because we think the best way to discover this is to hear from the people already in the program, who can give you actual rather than quasi-official or vaguely self-promoting answers, the first thing we encourage you to do is:
Check out the 2024 Open House sessions: Welcome & Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry.
You can watch the 2023 Open House sessions too: Welcome & Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry.
If you want to dig deep, feel free to view the 2022 Open House sessions: Welcome & Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry.
Whether you tune in now or later, you'll hear from our students what the program is really like. What will you learn? Are the students full of attitude? Are the professors? How is Hunter different? Can you get a degree and keep a job? Will you get the help you really need?
For the time being, you probably want to know who's teaching and what their deals are, so here you can find out more about them.
We look forward to getting to know you and reading your work. Then maybe we'll see you next year, in a real Upper East Side classroom with your pen poised over a classmate's manuscript.
If you're ready to APPLY NOW, go for it!
To get updates on applying to the Hunter MFA Program, please REGISTER. You'll receive announcements, events news, and more.