Make a Planned Gift
There are many ways to make a planned gift. Here are a few:
With a few simple words in a will or trust, you can leave a gift to Hunter.
Retirement Plan Gifts
You can name Hunter a beneficiary of an IRA or other qualifying plan.
Beneficiary Designations
You can name Hunter a partial or full beneficiary of CDs, bank, investment accounts or any other plan where you name a beneficiary.
Life Insurance
You can name Hunter a partial or full beneficiary of life insurance, or donate the policy outright.
Real Estate Property
You can save on capital gains by choosing to donate rental or investment property, and in some cases, in exchange for an income stream.
Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA)
Donate to Hunter while establishing a source of guaranteed income for yourself or a loved one. Get potential tax benefits right now while designating a gift for the College in the future.