Math is different for many reasons. The math you learn today is built on the math you learned yesterday (try doing multiplication without knowing how to add); you need to practice it in order to remember it; the way to show that you actually understand it is to do it. In his books Winning at Math and Math Study Skills Workbook, Paul Nolting lists many more reasons but they all have the same common thread. Learning math means doing math and practicing, practicing, practicing.
It might possibly be the way that you are taking notes. Do you find yourself asking the teacher to repeat definitions or statements because you couldn't get it all down in time? If you do, you are not taking notes properly. You want to get the keywords and phrases down and leave space to go back later and fill in the missing pieces. Most definitions are in the textbook - don't waste time on this - instead try to get the main ideas down. If you are not sure about something, put a note in the margin and ask the teacher after class or check the textbook when you get home. If it's not there, e-mail the instructor for clarification. Instructors really don't mind this - it shows that you are genuinely trying to learn the material and keep up.
Researchers have shown that it takes a minimum of five repetitions for our brains to remember certain items. We all know that given the time constraints, instructors cannot do five examples of each type in class. That is why taking good notes is so critical. Dr. Nolting gives some very good examples about how our memory works with tips on some things that we can do to improve our memory. Some you already know - like using mnemonics or acronyms to remember things - FOIL is one of them that we use to remember how to multiply binomials. There are many others. But, be careful when using these - sometimes they make us take shortcuts that are not correct - as is the case with order of operations. PEMDAS, a common acronym used, may lead you to believe that multiplications come before divisions all of the time - in fact this is only true if the multiplication is to the left of division - otherwise division comes first.
Let's think about this - what stressors do you have in class that you don't have at home? Well, when was the last time that the teacher gave you unlimited time to take the test ... how about all of the resources that you needed to find out how to answer the question? What about calculators, the internet, answer keys, the ability to ask someone for help? All of these make added stress to an already stressful situation ... and I am sure that there are others.
As we said earlier, the only way to master mathematics is to practice. You need to be able to have the ideas flow freely without having to think about them. Recall when you were young and you learned the basic addition facts. You needed to think about it each time someone asked you to add 9 + 4. But now, you answer those in a second - it's because you have had to figure this problem out probably a thousand times since then. It is the same with higher mathematics. You may have "understood" how to solve an equation or how to differentiate, but the only way you are going to remember the steps without looking at the example is by practicing.
How and where are you reading the textbook? You can't read a math book like a novel - you need to read and re-read each page until you thoroughly understand the concept. Otherwise, when you read on, you are basing your knowledge on something for which you really don't have a good foundation. Don't read the worked-out problem and keep going. Stop at each line and read the annotations to see how they got from point A to point B. Many of us read through the paragraph and skip the examples. There is a reason that they are there - it is to show you how the information in the paragraphs work. Most math textbooks also give you the opportunity to do a practice question alongside an already worked-out example. Your best bet is to read the textbook with your notebook handy and after reading the worked out example - try an additional one on your own. Also, if your textbook has an exercise set at the end of the section, it is a pretty good bet that there is a parallel question worked out in the chapter. Most people do their homework by going right to the exercise set and skipping the chapter - bad idea! Another tip is to read the textbook BEFORE coming to class - this allows you to ask questions of the instructor when (s)he gets to the topic. It might also help you clarify what the author meant by a certain thing. And instructors really appreciate prepared students when they are teaching - it helps the lecture move along and gives more time for questioning and analysis of the topic.
Each person studies in the way that is best for him or her and what is best for you might not be the best way for someone else. But here are some general tips. Try to do your math homework as soon as possible after class. When memory is interrupted, you have a tendency to forget how to do certain things - if that is not possible, at least take some time to re-work your notes. This means reading them and going back and jotting down any steps along the way that you didn't have time to write in class - that includes any cautions or tips that you remember. Chances are that four days from now you won't remember them. Study in the same place every time - some students need music - others peace and quiet. But studying in the kitchen with three or four people walking through has never been a good idea. Put a note in the margin if you don't understand something and ask the teacher or tutor when you get back to school. Try to find someone to use as a study partner. Often times you and (s)he may have different strengths and can help each other over the hurdles. Many times you will learn it better if you explain how you solved a problem to someone else. Do your studying in pieces and build on it each time you have class. In this way, you will never have a large amount of material to study in any one period. Try to end your studying on a positive note - if you left it not knowing how to do a problem - chances are you won't go back to it because you are frustrated. Instead, skip the problem and go back to it at another time. NEVER wait until the night before the test to study. You should begin studying at least 3 - 5 days before the test. Try to distinguish between material that you know and materials that need constant reinforcement. You might consider putting this material on index cards and reviewing them as you commute back and forth to school. But this should not be your primary studying approach.
Math is very different than other subjects. Dr. Nolting calls it a performance-based subject. That means that you can only verify that you understand something by actually doing it. He cites the example of learning the qualifications to be president - you can understand what they are - but when tested no one is going to ask you to president (or at least not for the test). In math you can "understand" how to factor, but to prove it - you are going to have to factor an algebraic expression.
First of all, if you arrive early to a test, try NOT to study with others. Many times the method that they have used to study may be different than yours and can end up getting you confused. As an instructor, if a student has a question before a test, I never let them ask it out loud in front of other students - I have them come up to my desk and ask quietly. Your memory device may be different than someone else's and who needs to be confused 5 minutes before the test? If you get nervous before or during an exam, you may also have test and/or math anxiety - this is a learned response and so it can be "unlearned." Many things in your past might cause you to get anxious - it could be a bad experience with material you have seen in the past, poor preparation whether on your part or on your past educational experiences, or regrettably a bad interaction with a teacher. Many students who have moved from one high school to another also find that there was no smooth transition and so there are gaps. Still others get nervous because they are afraid of "being found out." Others know it when they come into the room and freeze when the test is distributed. Then there are students who just assume that they will do poorly because they have always done poorly in math. The good news is that there are ways to compensate for all these issues - well-known educators such as Sheila Tobias and Paul Nolting have written many books on the topic. You would do well to get one of these and try some of their successful strategies.
Many times when we get a test back we look at the grade, sometimes get frustrated and then file it away. That is the worst thing that you can do. For example, did you know that according to research the majority of students make STUDY SKILLS errors on math tests and not MATH errors? The next time you get your test back look at it to see the number of points you lost because you misread directions, only answered part of the question, didn't study a particular topic, spent too much time on one section of the test and didn't get to the rest of it, or made a careless mistake. None of these are math errors - they are all study skills errors. In surveys I have personally done in the last 10 years students lose as much as 30 points on their test because of these errors. Unfortunately, if you don't take the time to review your test you will never know that this is the problem. Dr. Nolting gives you many hints in his books to help you overcome these errors.
Believe it or not, Dr. Benjamin Bloom states that 50% of your success in the next course is based not only on your IQ, but on your knowledge of the previous math course. This means that if you go into the next course with a grade of D in the prerequisite you are missing 30 - 40 % of the background material that you need to be successful - not a great way to start out - and this in courses that many of us find difficult to begin with. Think about it - would you want your doctor to only know 60 - 70% of the material he learned in med school? So why are you compromising - better yet - why set yourself up for failure or a rough road? Luckily, Hunter's Dolciani Center has set up brush-up materials on this website to help you "get the cobwebs out." So ... if you are planning to take MATH XXX next semester, go to the website for Brush-up Materials and practice the problems there. Go to the Center if you need a review of the material. In this way, when you get to the class, you will be up to speed.
We all acknowledge that sometimes the linkage between an instructor and a student or a textbook and a student might not be the best. Students learn in different ways and teachers and textbook authors, while making every effort to be accommodating, sometimes cannot make every person successful. This is why Hunter has a Math Center. Founded by Prof. Mary Dolciani over 35 years ago, the Center offers multi-media materials, computer-assisted tutorials, study groups, problem sessions, tutoring, and just about every service you can think of to help you become successful. But many times, students feel that they can do it on their own - and while that is great, many times they don't realize that they are in trouble until after the first test and then it is pretty late. Remember, math is sequential and so since your teacher is not going to stop the course until you get up to speed, you are going to have to keep learning new materials at the same time that you are trying to catch up - not a simple task by any means for even the strongest student. So come to the Center early in the semester, meet the tutors and practice even if you already understand the particular concept. In this way, when you do get into trouble on a topic, there is no learning curve - you are already comfortable with the tutor and the Center and know how to get the help you need with no stress.
First of all, many problems in math can be approached in different ways. Your tutor is trying to see what method you use to arrive at your answer before showing you an alternative method. Secondly, math is not a passive subject - you must do it in order to understand it. For many students, one of the reasons they are having trouble is that in class they merely copied down what the teacher said without really trying to understand it as they went along. Another reason has to do with our senses (sight, hearing, touch, etc). Research shows that the more senses that you use to learn something, the better you will learn it and remember it - so, if the tutor writes it for you - that's one less sense you use. Further, if you are writing it down you also have the ability to write parenthetical notes on the side to jog your memory when you get home. What is important to the tutor might not necessarily be important to you. And lastly, the tutor is not going to take the test for you. You need to figure out a way to tackle each problem on your own. View the tutor as a facilitator - someone who is going to give you the confidence and the tips that you need to be able to solve the problem yourself. So, the next time you work with a tutor ask the tutor to "watch you" as you attempt to do it. You will find that you recall more of the material this way.
If you want more information about study skills, here are a few things that we recommend.
- Purchase Winning at Math or Math Study Skills Workbook by Paul Nolting, PhD or borrow the book from the Dolciani Math Center Library
- Attend Math Study Skills workshops conducted by the Dolciani Math Center. Information on these workshops is available elsewhere on this website
- Contact Mrs. Barbara Barone, Director of the Dolciani Math Center at (212) 772-5376 or email her at