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Philosophy Awards
May 17, 2017

The twelfth annual awards ceremony and honors reception was recently held on May 17, 2017.
- Best paper of the year- Jeffrey Konowitch, "Deontology, Virtue Ethics, & the Resettlement of Syrian Refugees"
- Sue Weinberg Philosophical Studies Scholarship- Sarah Ellis
- Wiiliam Bryar Memorial Award for Best Student in Philosophy- Maya Adereth, Caroline Blaney, Andrea Warmack
- Departmental Honours- Maya Adereth, Tomoko Sawada
- Phi Sigma Tau Induction
- Philosophy minors- Darya Igamberdiev, Caresse Jackson
- Philosophy majors- Charles Bachmann, Madelon Bird, Jea Sheng Chen, Mario Ismailanji, Makayla Loeb, Katherine Merritt, Maho Oida, Anna Parashchak, Charlotte Schweiger, Rabab Shaddoud