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Striking Images: Black Exhaustion and Passive Resistance in Photography

Sandy Alexandre (Photo by M. Scott Brauer)
The Department of Africana, Puerto Rican and Latino Studies received a Black, Race and Ethnic Studies Initiative (BRESI) grant to reimagine and support curricular transformation and inclusive excellence. The grant, “Black and Latinx Practices of Freedom: Archives, Methods and Pedagogies,” is supported by the Mellon Foundation and represents a CUNY-wide initiative that seeks to support innovation and sustainability in BRES-related topics.
Our upcoming guest is Dr. Sandy Alexandre, an Associate Professor of American literature at MIT who writes on Black material culture. She will be giving a lecture, “Striking Images: Black Exhaustion and Passive Resistance in Photography.”
- Faculty Dining Room
695 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10065 United States + Google Map 8th Floor in Hunter's West Building.