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Required Pages for Departments, Programs and Offices

Departmental and Office websites must follow Hunter's templates to ensure accuracy and consistency. See below for an outline of required and optional pages.


Departments and Programs

Required Pages
Departments and Programs must follow Hunter's template and include the following sections containing the latest and most accurate information:

Optional Pages
Departments and Programs can also include the following optional elements within Hunter's template, provided they are accurate, kept up to date and are specific to the Department or Program:

    • Study Abroad: For officially sanctioned opportunities
    • Summer Programs: For officially sanctioned opportunities
    • Advising: May be broken into Undergraduate and Graduate sections, must include a table listing Advisor Name, Type (Walk-In, By Appointment), Time (or Call/Email link to profile) and Location (link to profile)
    • Research: May include sub-sections for Projects, Labs, People, and Apply
    • News: For Department and Program news
    • Events: May include subsections for Special Series and Conferences
    • Resources: May include subsections for Students, Faculty and Opportunities




Required Pages
Offices must follow Hunter's template and include the following sections containing the latest and most accurate information:

Optional Pages
Offices can also include the following optional elements within Hunter's template, provided they are accurate, kept up to date and are specific to the Office:

    • Forms
    • FAQs
    • Services
    • Policies/Procedures
    • Resources
    • Projects
    • Publications
    • News
    • Events


Additional Content/Sections

Email to request permission to deviate from Hunter's template.