Emelyn Auad
Clinical Psychology
Parent Emotional Reactions to Adolescent Suicide Ideation and Attempts: Implications for Future Adolescent Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior
Emelyn Auad’s research goals revolve around suicidal behaviors in racial/ethnic minority adolescents. Her previous research examined the effects of impulsivity and parental emotional reactions on suicide ideation and attempts.
Emelyn intends to pursue a PhD in clinical psychology. Her career goal is to work as a clinical psychologist and further her research in adolescent suicide.
Honors and Awards
- Member of Psi Chi Honors Society
Conference Presentations
- "Relationship between Impulsivity, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicide Ideation in Adolescent Racial and Ethnic Minorities," Oral Presentation, Hunter College 48th Annual Psychology Convention, May 2020
- "Relationship between Impulsivity, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicide Ideation in Adolescent Racial and Ethnic Minorities," Oral Presentation, McNair Heartland Conference, September 2020
- "Does Social Media Use Confer Suicide Risk? A Systematic Review of the Evidence," Poster Presentation, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), November 2020
- "Parent Emotional Reactions to Adolescent Suicide Ideation and Attempts: Implications for Future Adolescent Suicidal Thoughts and Behavior," Poster Presentation of Thesis, Hunter College 49th Annual Psychology Convention, May 2021