The Professional Staff Congress - City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) Research Award Program was established as a major vehicle to encourage and support faculty research. PSC-CUNY seeks to enhance the University’s role as a research institution, further the professional growth and development of its faculty, and provide support for the established and junior scholar. Awards are distributed by the University Committee on Research Awards (UCRA), a faculty committee, and administered by RFCUNY. All applications are submitted through the Grants Proposal System (
The PSC-CUNY Research Award Program supports academically relevant research across all disciplines. Proposals must include original research or creative activities by the principal investigator (PI). Three award types are available:
- Traditional A: up to $3,500
- Traditional B: $3,600 to $6,000
- Enhanced: $6,500 to $12,000
ELIGIBILITY: Full-time members of the instructional staff, including Higher Education Officers (HEOs), Full-Time Lectures and College Laboratory Technicians (CLTs) are eligible to apply for the PSC-CUNY Award Program. Co-PIs must meet all eligibility criteria. Only one application per person, per cycle (year), as either PI or Co-PI is allowable.
NOT ELIGIBLE: Faculty are not eligible to apply for receive a Traditional A or B Award for any year in which they have received or will receive external grant funding or awards of $100,000 or more in direct costs for their research.
For more information about PSC-CUNY Research Award Program, visit
Grant proposal deadline: December 16, 2024 @ 11:59pm EST.
Please contact Annmarie Rivera at for more information.
The PSC CUNY Cycle 56 seminars will be held on the dates below. They will be held via Microsoft Teams.
- Tuesday, October 15th 1PM EST
- Wednesday, October 23rd 12PM EST
- Thursday, November 7th 1PM EST
- Friday, November 5th 12PM EST
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