Alumni Association - Fall 2024
Dear Fellow Nursing Alumni,
Greetings from The Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing (HBSON) Alumni Association. I hope this letter finds you well.
I would like to invite all alumni to our HBSON Alumni Association Annual Meeting. Please see details below:
* Tuesday, October 15th @ 5:30 PM
* Hunter College, Brookdale Campus, 425 East 25 Street, East building, Mezzanine, Osborn Room
* A light supper will be served
On October 15th, we will be voting for officers of the executive board. Nominations can be submitted to the board by any dues paid member until one week prior to the meeting. We will be voting for president, recording secretary, and corresponding secretary. If interested in running, please contact us by email. You can also volunteer to be on a committee. If you haven’t paid your dues for 2024 the membership form is on our website. Also, please like us on Facebook.
If you would like to nominate a Hunter graduate for the Alumni Hall of Fame, the deadline is November 1, 2024.
Our contact information:
Facebook page:
Many alumni contributed to the Dean Evelyn Clark Gioiella Undergraduate Scholarship, and it has been completed! We have started a new scholarship, “Joyce M. Hope Undergraduate Scholarship”. If interested in donating, the website is:
Make sure you note you are donating to the Joyce M. Hope Undergraduate Scholarship. We encourage you to start your own scholarship if interested! If you have any questions about donating to the Scholarship & Welfare Fund, please contact me.
Hope to see you at the October 15th meeting. If you plan on attending, please let me know. College security requires ID, and the names of the attendees must be left at the desk to enter.
Leslie Lieth, ’72, President