This guide outlines the process for registering as a Person of Interest (POI) for individuals requiring access to CUNYFirst for their job responsibilities but who are not funded through Hunter College's taxlevy funds. Registration as a POI is essential for accessing various CUNYFirst services, including Single Sign-On and Multi-Factor Authentication.
Additional Information
Access Cards
- Digital Access Cards: CUNYFirst registration is required.
- Plastic Access Cards: For short-term campus access, a plastic access card can be issued using the existing WebId system, without the need for CUNYFirst registration.
*Only one form of ID is permitted; employees cannot hold both a digital and a plastic card.
Contact Information for One Card Office
Office Location:
203 West Building
695 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10065
Phone: 212-650-3191
Email: OneCard@hunter.cuny.edu
Please do not send any sensitive information via email without password protection, especially documents containing an individual's full Social Security number.
Required Information for All POI Registrations
To ensure a smooth registration process, all applicants must provide the following information:
- Full Legal Name: As it appears on official documents.
- Current Address: Including street, city, state, and ZIP code.
- Social Security Number: Required for processing actions in the system. If a candidate does not have an SSN (e.g., a Visiting Scholar), please contact the Office of Human Resources for assistance.
- Date of Birth: To verify identity.
- Demographic Information: Such as gender and ethnicity (if applicable).
- Personal Email Address: For communication and notifications.
- Effective Dates: Clearly indicate the start and end dates of the appointment.
- Department Name: The department under which you will be working.
- Supervisor Name: The individual responsible for overseeing your work.
Signature and Date: To certify the accuracy of the information provided.
Registration Categories
- Hunter College Foundation Employees
- Requirements:
- Complete the POI registration form and submit it along with email confirmation from the Hunter College Foundation, verifying your appointment, to the Human Resources department.
- POI appointments are valid for a maximum of one year.
- Verification: A valid government-issued photo ID is required for identity verification.
- Requirements:
- Non-Tax Levy Employees
- Requirements:
- New hires must include the POI registration form as part of their hiring package for initial appointments.
- Reappointments: Non-Tax Levy employees will be processed for reappointment by Human Resources (HR) if they are in the NTL PR Assist system; there is no need to submit a renewal form.
- POI appointments are valid for a maximum of one fiscal year.
- Opt-Out Provision: Individuals already affiliated with Hunter College (e.g., Tax Levy employees or students) may opt out of the POI application process.
- Verification: A valid government-issued photo ID is required for verification.
- Requirements:
- Graduate Teaching Fellows (GTFs)
- Requirements:
- Departments are required to submit a list of GTFs to Human Resources, including each fellow’s full name and employee ID.
- GTFs must ensure that their demographic information is accurately recorded through the Graduate Center.
- Renewal Process: Departments must email HR to request extensions; POI appointments for GTFs are valid for a maximum of one semester.
- Verification: A valid government-issued photo ID is required for identity verification.
- Requirements:
- Visiting Scholars and Other Affiliated Personnel
- Requirements:
- Submit a detailed justification for the appointment, signed by the department head, including the reason for the appointment and the funding source.
- Verification: A valid government-issued photo ID is required for verification.
- Requirements:
- RF CUNY Employees
- Registration Process: RF CUNY employees are automatically registered as POIs in CUNYFirst. No additional registration is necessary. For assistance, please contact the Office of Research Foundation.
Purpose of POI Registration
- Access Provision: Registration enables access to essential CUNYFirst services, including Microsoft Office 365, Hunter College email, ID card issuance, and related resources.
- Notification Process: The POI will receive notifications to claim their CUNYFirst account and activate their email addresses.
- Termination Notification: It is imperative to notify Human Resources promptly if the POI assignment ends before the designated date.