It is with the very deepest regrets that I write to inform you that treasured Hunter College faculty member Richard Stapleford passed away Tuesday evening. This is a devastating loss to his family and to everyone who knew him.
As you all know, Dick was a truly remarkable professor, inspiring Hunter students for 45 years. As the teacher of the Introduction to the History of Art, he served as Hunter's entryway into an academic world of historical and aesthetic understanding. His lectures were legendary, and his commitment to Hunter College and its students was unparalleled; on several occasions, he even took his students to Italy during the summer. He was a member of the Hunter College Senate almost from its beginning and the longest serving Senate chair its history. He was also a great friend, and a great man.
He is survived by his family, including his wife Judith Herron, daughter Alessandra Stapleford, son Julian Stapleford, stepchildren Nan Herron, Daniel Herron and Jonathan Herron, and nine grandchildren.
We are working with Dick’s family to plan a memorial service here at Hunter, his professional and artistic home for so many years, to celebrate his life and the impact he had on all of us. More information about this will be announced in the coming weeks.
I know you all join me in extending our sympathy to Dick's family. If you would like to express your condolences, you may write to them at: 160 East 84th St, Apt 12D, New York, NY 10028.
Jennifer J. Raab
President, Hunter College