Good morning Everyone!
The NYS Deferred Compensation Plan is hosting a Pension Webinar in April with NYS Pension System. In addition, I will be conducting NYS Deferred Compensation Plan webinars to assist all employees who are able to attend. NYSDCP is a supplemental retirement (457b) plan, and their mission is to help State and local-public employees achieve their retirement savings goals and help bridge any potential financial gap in retirement. I hope you will share with your staff so anyone interested may attend. Thanks very much for your assistance and partnership. If you would like a one-on-one meeting please use the book your appointment button at the bottom of this message.
Click Here For Plan Highlights
Pension (NYSLRS) Webinar
Wednesday, April 17th at 12pm
The NYS Deferred Comp is joined by the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS) to give an educational presentation on the basics of the Pension and how it will help provide for your future. There will be Q&A sessions throughout the webinar. (Pre-registration required)
Enrollment Webinar
Thursday, April 18th at 1pm - Presentation will explain the benefits of enrolling and participating in the NYS Deferred Compensation Plan and how it can help you plan for and live-in retirement. We will go over the basics of investing and the investment options, pre-tax and Roth contributions, and an overview of the easy and secure online enrollment process.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
Phone Conference ID: 935 300 143#
Countdown to Retirement Webinar
Wednesday, April 24th at 1pm - Presentation will discuss some important considerations to think about for those approaching retirement. We will discuss longevity, income sources, asset consolidation, and withdrawals/required minimum distributions.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
Phone Conference ID: 158 238 27#
Thank You,
Benjamin Levy, MBA, CRC®
Retirement Specialist
New York State Deferred Compensation Plan
Phone: 518-203-9915
FAX: 877-677-4329