New York State Paid Family Leave Benefits (PFL) are available for certain Classified Staff Titles and PSC members through Collective Bargaining Agreements. PFL is an employee-funded insurance policy that provides job-protected, paid time off to:
Bond with a newly born, adopted, or fostered child;
Care for a family member with a serious health condition;
Assist loved ones when a family member is deployed in a foreign country on active military service.
Full-time and Part-time Employees may take up to 12 weeks off at 67% pay
Payment is calculated based on the last 8 weeks of paid work
Eligible employees who work at Community Colleges (on New York City Payroll) are covered under New York City’s Paid Family Leave Insurance Policy provided by MetLife. Eligible employees who work at Senior Colleges (on New York State Payroll) are covered under a Paid Family Leave Insurance Policy provided by the Standard.