The Professional Development & Learning Office (PDL) of University Human Resources is excited to offer sessions provided by the Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) for the Spring 2024 semester. Employees can find the Spring 2024 Course Catalog on the PDL website. The cost for attending a session ranges from $75 to $150 per person.
Registration Process:
Before registering for any professional development courses, staff must have their supervisor's approval.
The Spring 2024 Course Registration Form can be found here. After you submit a registration form for a session, a confirmation email will be sent from University.Training@cuny.edu to you and your supervisor within 7 business days. Please note that there is a maximum number of 25 participants per session. All additional registrants will be placed on a waitlist and will be informed if a spot in a session opens.
If you cannot attend a session for which you have registered, it is important that PDL be notified via email (University.Training@cuny.edu) at least 10 days before the course begins so that a waitlisted employee can be placed into the open seat.
If a campus cannot provide PDL with adequate notice, they also have the option of identifying a substitute employee who will attend in the registered employee's place. Campuses will be responsible for the course payment if proper notice is not given.
For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to University.Training@cuny.edu.
Thank You