The University Benefits Office open enrollment sessions for all CUNY employees will be held virtually on November 6th and November 7th. Below are the schedule and zoom links for presentations by the Welfare Funds, Insurance Carriers and NYCERS.
Wednesday, November 6th 9:30AM-Noon
DC-37 at 9:30AM
PSC CUNY Welfare Fund at 10AM
MetroPlus at 10:45AM
Emblem Health at 11:15AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 861 3734 0251
Passcode: 418833
NYCERS - will do a presentation at 10AM on 62/5, 55/25, 57/5, 63/5 Pension Plans (UNDER A SEPARATE ZOOM LINK; see below. The NYCERS webinar will not be recorded).
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 811406
Thursday, November 7th 12-2:30PM
DC-37 at 12PM
Metro Plus at 12:30PM
PSC-CUNY Welfare Fund at 1PM
Emblem Health at 1:30PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 7302 8263
Passcode: 593407
NYCERS - will do a presentation at 1:30PM on 62/5, 55/25, 57/5, 63/5 Pension Plans (UNDER A SEPARATE ZOOM LINK; see below. The NYCERS webinar will not be recorded).
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 409358