I've worked at Hunter for over 20 years and serve as Coordinator of the Center for Student Achievement. I enjoy my work, especially working with students on academic probation to help them attain greater academic success. One student who I helped when he was on academic probation at Hunter has kept in touch, and it was wonderful to hear when he completed his goal which seemed so unrealistic at the time - to complete medical school. Nothing can be as rewarding as helping people to overcome the hurdles which are keeping them from fulfilling their academic potential. I have a Bachelor's and Master's degree from Hunter in Psychology, so I know what it's like to be a Hunter student. I do what I can to help students navigate the process and attain success!

Arthur Ford
Assistant Director of Advising and Retention Initiatives
I've worked at Hunter for over 20 years and serve as Coordinator of the Center for Student Achievement. I enjoy my work, especially working with students on academic probation to help them attain greater academic success.
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