Assistant Vice President (AVP) Fantozzi has an extensive background in admissions, enrollment, and orientation. He is dedicated to ensuring Hunter College remains a top choice College for incoming students from NYC and beyond. He has spent his entire career within the CUNY system and is passionate about its mission and connection to New York City. AVP Fantozzi oversees Admissions, Recruitment, College Now, Student Communications, International Students, Financial Aid, and the Registrar. He also currently co-chairs the Senate’s Student Success Committee and represents Hunter College at the University wide enrollment council. Outside the walls of Hunter, AVP Fantozzi has served on the executive board of the New York State Association for College Admission Counseling (NYSACAC) and is also an active member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC).

Joseph Fantozzi, Jr.
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment
AVP Fantozzi has worked at Hunter College since 2015. He is a highly collaborative enrollment leader with fourteen years of experience in higher education.
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