Dr. Larry Shore teaches courses on Media, Sports and Society; Global Communications; Internet and Society, and Media and Politics.
His research interests include media and telecommunications policy in the United States and globally, the impact of new media, and the effect of news on public opinion and foreign policy. In the area of media and sports his interests include issues of sport and race, women and sports, and sports and national identity.
Dr. Shore also periodically teaches a course called South Africa and Southern Africa During and After Apartheid in the Thomas Hunter Honors Program. A key part of this course is the weekend long Southern Africa Simulation Game.
He produced, and co-directed with Tami Gold, a documentary film RFK in the Land of Apartheid: A Ripple of Hope which has been screened widely in the United States and South Africa including PBS, the SABC, the Africa Channel and numerous organizations and film festivals in both countries. The film tells the story of Senator Robert Kennedy’s 1966 visit to South Africa- during the worst years of Apartheid- and the connections between the American Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-Apartheid Movement. See the website ( for more details. He is currently working on a sequel documentary The American Struggle Over Apartheid: Nelson Mandela, Edward Kennedy, and Constructive Engagement.
He has served on various committees at Hunter College, Roosevelt House and the Hunter College Senate. He is currently a faculty member of the Thomas Hunter Honors Program. In 2014, he helped organize a conference at Roosevelt House: South Africa: Twenty Years After Apartheid. He was the Director of the Hunter College/University of Cape Town Partnership Program.
At the department level, he has served on and off for many years as a department advisor. He was the director of the Film & Media Studies Internship Program for many years and helped it develop into the largest film and media internship program in New York. He is currently the Director of the Analytical Courses in the Media Studies Major.
Dr. Shore grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa and immigrated to the United States in 1973. He was active in the American Anti-Apartheid Movement in the 1980’s. In 1991, he co-founded SAAO (the South African-American Organization), the largest South African expatriate organization in the United States, and served as the organization’s president for five years. He received his BA Degree at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, majoring in Political Science. He has an MA in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD in Communications from Stanford University.