Richard Churchill, PhD, served as acting chair of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Hunter College from 1984 to 1985, and as chair from 1994 to 1997. He is currently a professor whose research interests include differential algebra, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. Richard also teaches at the CUNY Graduate Center.
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Richard Churchill
Dr. Richard Churchill is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. His teaching and research focuses on differential algebra, dynamical systems, algebraic geometry and algebraic topology.
- George Washington University (BA 1965)
- University of Wisconsin, Madison (MS 1966)
- University of Wisconsin, Madison (MA 1969)
- University of Wisconsin, Madison (PhD 1971)
- Stability Transitions for Periodic Orbits in Hamiltonian Systems, Arch. for Rat. Mech. and Anal. 73, pages 313-347 (1980) (coauthored with G. Pecelli and D.L. Rod)
- The Campbell-Hausdorff Group and a Polar Decomposition of Graded Algebra Automorphisms, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 131, pages 219-235 (1988) (coauthored with A. Baider)
- A Primer on Lax pairs, in Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry, Volume 2, London Mathematical Society Lecture note series 459, ed. by R. Donagi and T. Shaska, Cambridge University Press, pages 346-366 (2020) (coauthored with L. Bates)